Chapter 10

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"You missed a fun day." Camila says softly as she sat down beside Lauren.

Lauren shrugged, she remained quiet.

"The kids wanted you to go with us." the soldier says softly.

Lauren looked at Camila. "I need help."

"I know, I've been calling around." Camila says softly, running a hand through Lauren's hair.

"And?" Lauren whispered.

Sending her a soft smile, Camila leans in and kisses Lauren gently. "I found someone."

"Who?" Lauren asked with a small frown.

"Dr. Carson, she's one of the best." Camila says softly.

"Best in what?" Lauren asked.

The soldier shifts on the bed and looks into Lauren's eyes. "Dealing with depression and everything you're going through."

"I don't even know what I'm going through." Lauren mumbled. She dropped her head. "So how do you? How does she?"

"She's helped with families that have lost soldiers before." Camila says softly.

Lauren closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I can call and get you in for a session tomorrow." Camila says softly, kissing Lauren's forehead.

Lauren shrugged. "Sure." She brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"Okay." the soldier says, kissing her gently.

Lauren kissed her back for a brief moment before pulling away. "I'm sleepy."

"Get some sleep." Camila tells her before moving to stand up.

Lauren nodded, she curled up on the bed and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Kissing her forehead, Camila quietly leaves the room. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialled the number for Dr. Carson's office.

"Dr. Carson's office, she's with a patient right now. What can I do for you?" the assistant asks softly.

"I'd like to make an appointment for my fiancé for tomorrow." Camila said calmly.

She could hear typing on the other end. "Dr. Carson has an opening at two in the afternoon."

"That sounds perfect." Camila responds softly.

"Okay. I just need their name and date of birth." The woman said.

"Lauren Jauregui, um June 27th, 1996." the soldier says.

"Okay. And will you be accompanying her to the appointment?" The assistant asked as she typed the new information into the computer.

Camila runs a hand through her hair. "If she wants me to then I will be there."

"Okay, I'll put that down as a yes." The assistant said.

"Alright, is that everything?" Camila asks softly.

"Yes, we will see you tomorrow." The assistant said. "Goodbye." She ended the call.


Three months later

"How do you feel?" Camila asks softly as she wraps her arms around Lauren after one of her therapy sessions.

Lauren swallowed, turning her head to look at Camila. "I don't know."

Kissing Lauren's forehead, the soldier leads her to the car. "What's wrong?" she asks softly.

Lauren shrugged. "Is this helping me? I feel worse."

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