Chapter 8

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Camila wraps her arms around Lauren as she kisses her slowly and passionately. This was the first night they were completely alone since she'd gotten home. Lauren had her arms loosely wrapped around Camila. Deepening the kiss, Camila gently lays Lauren back on the bed. Lauren's eyes fluttered closed and she relaxed a little.

"I love you." the soldier says softly as she begins placing gentle kisses along Lauren's neck.

"I love you too." Lauren whispered.

The soldier shifts above Lauren and begins kissing her once more, running her tongue along the green eyed girl's bottom lip. Their kiss quickly grew heated and Camila couldn't help but grind down against Lauren's clothed center. Lauren shivered under Camila's touch and pulled away. She shook her head.

Swallowing thickly, Camila moves off of Lauren and drops down on the bed, willing her erection away.

"I'm sorry." Lauren mumbled, curling up on the bed.

"Don't be sorry." Camila responds with a sigh.

Lauren shifted closer to Camila and rested her head on Camila's shoulder.

Wrapping her arm around Lauren, the soldier releases a slow deep breath. "I don't know what to do about this."

Lauren stayed quiet. She stared down Camila's chest at the tent in her shorts.

Shifting, Camila pulls Lauren closer and takes a deep breath.

Lauren slipped her hand down Camila's body and began rubbing the tent in Camila's shorts softly. She wanted to help Camila but she couldn't do it herself.

Gasping, Camila rocks up against Lauren's hand. "You don't have to do that."

"I want to." Lauren mumbled, she continued to move her hand against Camila's tent.

Moaning, Camila rocks up against Lauren's hand harder.

Lauren stopped her hand movement and looked at Camila. "Remove your shorts and boxers."

The soldier quickly removes her shorts and boxers.

Lauren sat up on the bed and opened the bedside table. She pulled out the bottle of lubricant that she kept in there for when Keaton got too excited and she didn't want to help him in the way he wanted her too.

"Laur?" Camila asks, seeing Lauren tense up. 

Lauren took a deep breath. She turned to face Camila and held out the bottle. She didn't look up at Camila.

"We don't have to do anything." Camila mumbles upon reading Keaton's name on the bottle.

Lauren pushed the bottle into Camila's hands and let go of it before holding her hands out, her palm facing upwards.

Shaking her head, Camila puts the bottle down and pulls on her boxers. "I'm going to take a shower."

Lauren didn't look up at her. She nodded slowly and lay back on the bed, curling up and closing her eyes.

Getting up, Camila sighs and goes into the bathroom. So much for a night alone.

Lauren gripped the sheets tightly in her fists before letting them go and punching the mattress. This was all her fault. She was furious with herself.


Three hours later

Camila makes her way into the kitchen and grabs a beer, not seeing Lauren at the table.

The older girl was staring blankly at her hands which she curled into fists. She dug her nails roughly into her palms, still angry with herself.

Turning around, Camila sighs and sits down beside her. "I'm not mad at you, but I want to know why you have a bottle of lube in your table drawer with his name on it."

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