Chapter 10: Again

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No proof read as always...ignore the mistakes...:)

Third Person POV

Even though it feels like heaven to be touched and kissed by your mate like this, so gently and with care as if you are made of glass and will break if touched a little harder but Kim Taehyung has to stop. He has to stop Jungkook before he completely loses his mind due the effect his mate has on him.
It has happened before, Jungkook would touch as if Taehyung means the world to him and then he would act as if he doesn't even exist. Taehyung had his hopes high before only to be crushed by Jungkook. So this time he won't let Jungkook kiss him and hurt him the very next moment again.

Taehyung, although loving the way Jungkook's lips fit on his own, the way his hands are gentle on his waist, the way he kisses his collerbones as if he has done it a hundered times with so much passion and vigour.....he has to stop Jungkook. He has to. So he places his hand on Jungkook's chest and gives it a slight pull for younger to understand that he has to stop. When Jungkook doesn't get it, he tries to vocalize it but no sound makes it out oh his throat as Jungkook has him under his spell.

"S-Stop Jungkook, p-please stop it." His voice then comes out hoarse and foreign. Jungkook continues his assault and its getting harder for Taehyung to refrain himself from letting out a moan because Jungkook just knows his weakness. Jungkook just hums in response, now his hand roaming over Taehyung's belly as he leaves open mouth kisses on older's chest.

"P-Please s-stop". Taehyung didn't realize he was sobbing until he felt his eyes hurting from unwelcomed tears. He lets out another sob and Jungkook halts his movements. He looks at Taehyung only find him crying.

"Hey Taehyung, what happened? Did I hurt you?" Jungkook asks, concern laced in his voice.

"Don't...d-don't do this Jungkook. I-I can't do this". Taehyung sobs out and Jungkook furrows his eyebrows in confusion. Taehyung sits up, his legs curling and reaching his chest, engulfed by his arms and looks straight on Jungkook's eyes. The younger's heart aches seeing those tears in his eyes. He wants to wipe them away, only to be reminded by the fact that somehow he is the reason behind those tears.

"I am sorry Jungkook, this should not have happened. I was not t-thinking straight. We shouldn't keep doing this". He says and Jungkook's confusion grows.

"What do you mean? You never complain, what happened now?" Jungkook is getting frustrated for why Taehyung suddenly stops him.
Taehyung just doesnot want to get hurt again. He can't stand Jungkook ignoring him as if nothing happened. As if their lips never touched. As if their bodies were never pressed againdt eachother. As if they didn't saw a glimpse of heaven in eachother.

"I can't let you keep kissing me and then ignoring me as I am trash Jungkook. I can't let you keep hurting me as if I don't have a heart, as if I am a some toy you can keep playing around with whenever you want". Taehyung breaths heavily.

"I don't want to hurt you Taehyung, trust me but I jus--".

"Save it Jungkook, you said you don't want me. You rejected me and said that you hated me, so stick to it. Stop with that...that bipolar self of yours. Find someone else to play around with if you can't control your harmones. I am not some slut that you will go around kissing just because you need a distraction or release your frustration. If you think I would let you kiss me and then ignore me then you are wrong. First decide what you want.... If you want me or you just want to hurt me." It took every will and power left in Taehyung to say those words. He knows that after this, Jungkook will never touch him or aknowledge his existance because this time he is telling him to do so. He is tired, he us tired because of Jimin, he us tired of being hurt, he is tired of not being perfect.
Yes.....he is tired if being pathetic and giving in so easily which gives Jungkook an easy chance to break his heart.

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