Chapter 37: Vow

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Please ignore the mistakes... :)
Warning: So Many pics ahead....

Third Person POV

"Congratulations. I am so happy for both of you." Baekhyun congratulates Taehyung and Jungkook. He wanted to meet as soon as he heard about their marriage. Chanyeol had to leave his work, though he himself wanted to see his son.

"Thank you." Taehyung smiles. He always felt comfortable with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Both of them had talked to Jungkook who told them that it's time for Taehyung to know his parents are alive.

"Taehyung, we wanted to talk to you about something." Baekhyun says as they settle in Jungkook's office. Taehyung laughs nervously when all three of them look at him seriously.

"Okay. What is it?". Taehyung says. Baekhyun takes his hand in his and takes a deep breath. Taehyung waits.

"As you know, I--We had a son." Baekhyun starts. "He-He isn't dead or lost." Baekhyun carefully says.

"Thats a good thing right?" Taehyung says.

"Yeah, we found him."

"Really? That's amazing. He must be grown so much. Does he know about you being his parents?" Taehyung beams excitedly. Jungkook smiles a bit, his mate can be so dense sometimes.

"No, he doesn't know and we are going to tell him." Baekhyun smiles.

"Great, where is he now?"

"Sitting right infront of me." Baekhyun whispers and Taehyubg's smile drops, eyes furrowed.

"What?" Taehyung is so confused. He looks at Jungkook who nods and smiles.

"Yes Taehyung. You are our son. It was me who had to leave you because I wanted to save you from Yoonsoo. He took me and I hoped someone found you and Jihoon did. He found you and I will always be thankful of him. I always had this hope, a little that both you and Chanyeol will be mine again. That I will see you both again and here you are. Taehyung, I know it will be hard for you to accept us and it's okay, we will wait." Baekhyun has tears in his eyes. He panics when Taehyung withdraws his hands away.

Taehyung looks at Jungkook, about to break down. Jungkook hurries and takes Taehyubg in his arms, where Taehyung finally breaks.

"Tell me Kookie, tell me he isn't lying." Taehyung sobs and Jungkook smiles, rubbing circles on his back.

"No they're not baby, they are your parents." Jungkook says and relief washes over Taehyung. So this is why he always felt so close with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, they are his own blood.

"I can't belive it." Taehyung tearily smiles. Chanyeol comes forward as Jungkook lets go of Taehyung. Taehyung runs in Chanyeol's arm, who easily picks him because of his tall height.

"Enough Channie, let me hug my baby." Baekhyun says and embraces his son. Chanyeol joins the hug and so does Jungkook. Taehyung got his family back, he has his love with him, his friends, everyone there for him and he can't be more happy.


"Pink or peach." Jimin says.

"Nope, no way. Lavender or light purple." Yugyeom argues. These two idiots decided to take the responsibility of picking the decorating theme and colour scheme. Now they have different opinions.

"Jin hyung was so easy to work with. He never once disturbed me. The ceremony went so well and here you are, already gave me a headache." Yugyeom snaps.

"That was Hoseok and Jungkook's ceremony, this is my best friend's wedding, a wedding Yugyeom." Jimin is equally pissed.

"Then you should also know that your highness loves purple colour and he will really be happy to have this colour scheme." Yugyeom retorts.

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