A Very Normal Morning

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"Bye Dad!" I say at the door after getting my backpack and leaving my house. Ike runs after me also leaping out the door and my mom; the principal; coming out and keeping my little brother stable.
My dad says his goodbye for the day and goes back to his work, which was figured out to be scamming with some guys on our old Apple Mac.
Ike and my mom and I go different directions; her and Ike to the store and me to go with my friends. I trudge through the snow and to the bus stop, where two of my said three friends await.
My name is Kyle Broflovski, a kid in fourth grade in a Jewish household; I have my parents and a little brother named Ike; who has surprisingly gotten farther into relationships then I'll ever get. There's nothing about me that's really out of the ordinary except my religion, so I'll just go on with other's profiles.
"Hey Bro-flovski!" My friend Kenny shouts to me, which is muffled through his hoodie that covers his whole face except his eyes and partially his mouth; but ironically not looking up from his 'book', which is obviously a porn magazine with naked woman and men in it.
Kenneth "Kenny" McCormick; everyone calls him Kenny despite his actual name Kenneth. He's one of the poorest kids in school and lives on the bottom right side of town, closest to the Canadians farther that way according to the map chart on my phone. He has a little sister named Karen who thinks of Kenny as a guardian, and his masked version names Mysterion as a guardian angel. Such reliability.
"Hey dude!" My bestest friend Stan looked up from leaning on the pole to the bus stop.
Stan Marsh; he's my best friend with secrets that only I know and I've never told anyone. He's quiet when I'm not around, but he's quite the extrovert when I'm with him. But something that I'm worried about... he's an alcoholic like his dad. And he's depressed about it. His father is a mess without Stan's mom; she keeps everything in order even if gullible to others from what I've known. Maybe that's where Stan got his naïveté from. He has an older sister named Shelly that's basically his personal bully, unknowing that he drinks a lot and thinks that all the beers go to her dad.
I say hi to both of them just as the fatass, Cartman, shows up.
Eric Cartman; the fattest kid in school except Chef in the cafeteria. He's a huge jerk to everyone; and I think I know why. His dad passed away when he was young and now he's just plain mean to everyone except Heidi, his on-and-off girlfriend.
"Hey Jew!" he shouts at me with a smirk over his triple chin with crumbs on it, he brings chocolate brownies or any sweets with him on the way to the bus stop; he probably got more from his mom. Did I mention that his Mom's a whore because of Cartman's loss?
"Hey fatass!!" I shout back at him.
"Ey! Don't call me fat you fucking Jew!"
How do I know that our transgender teacher would send him to the counselor by now?
"I can call you what I want, fatty patty!"
He growls at me but let's it go, taking his place in the middle of the group. There was one other person to await.
I take my place by the bus pole alongside Stan and Kenny goes to the other side of the fat skeleton of blood and flesh still reading his porno that has 18+ written on the cover. It has V16 written on the front which means he's read 16 others related to what he was reading now. Gross.
"H-hey fellas!" someone rushes to us with a cheery but worn out voice; and everyone can tell it was, the one and only, Butters.
Leopold "Butters" Stotch; he's the innocent one of our group that's always gullible to Cartman's lies and tricks. Like one time, he actually believed that the world got infected by zombies and was locked in this little ground storage just to take his place for my Casa Bonita party of my 9th birthday party; I won't go into details. He gets grounded by his dad a lot, I can tell a lot worse will happen in the future.
He is cheerfully greeted by Kenny, followed by Cartman calling them gay because they hugged, followed by his nose being punched by Kenny and bleeding and being bruised easily.
"What the fuck!! Yo Mama so poor that she can't even pay for a chocolate bar!" He gets a bandaid from his bag and puts it on his nose and a tissue to clog the bleeding nostril so no more blood comes out.
Somehow Butters looks into Kenny's V16 porno and he turns white with horror. His eyes turn away from the porno as he sighs with relief of no sight of the magazine.
And then we wait in the snow for our bus, five broken friends with no purpose but to live.

Words: 865

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