Big Events

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We got to class and Stan dozed off as always while I sat next to him. I looked back to Wendy but she didn't even bother to look at us anymore due to what happened yesterday.
"Ok children," Mrs. Mackey came up to the board and got everyone to be quiet, "we're gonna do some history problems but first, there's the Midterm Assessments grade coming up. Also, the prom that's coming up in a week has been extended due to the speakers having trouble. So get your suits and suave on cause I already know you guys are really excited for this stuff, all the boys are gonna ask people out and the girls (and boys) are gonna say yes and all that stuff so, yeah. Ok we're gonna do the..." Mr. Mackey trailed off and I wasn't listening for once.
I was still processing the prom for once. I knew that Stan would want to go with me.
I looked at him. He was looking at me. We just stared at each other and I could feel myself blushing as much as he was, and I tried to stop myself from blushing but it was an absolute fail.
Then, I saw a paper airplane fly by my desk, landing perfectly on my work. I picked it up:

Hey dude, are you gay w Stan?
Craig. (And Tweek)

I looked at Craig, and he was looking at me. Then he put a thumbs up at me. What the fuck dude...
I put my hand on my face and blushed more until I could feel my face getting red and purple. I tried to pay attention in the class but I felt my head weighing down on me. How could someone be fine with gay people??
"Kyle, are you alright?" Mrs. Mackey called to me. "Do you need to see the nurse?"
"Can I go to the bathroom... please..."
Before he can say yes, I stood up and went out of the room, hearing Cartman snicker on the way out. I went through the hallway and to the bathroom. I heard no one, and I looked into the mirror. Was it wrong or was I just going to become crazy? Stan is gonna get hurt more by his fucked up sister and if my mom and Dad find out... if they find out... it's going to be bad. Really really really really really REALLY bad.
I started to cry softly and I put my head down across the edge of the bathroom sink. I was done for, but I would still love Stan. Why love, Why???
"Kyle...? Are you ok?" Stan came into the bathroom, his words soft like if words could become fluffy feather pillows.
I looked up and saw him standing in the doorway and coming in to check up on me. I couldn't talk to him but then I just wanted to be with him, probably like Wendy to Cartman that one time...
I pushed my upper body up and tried to stop myself from crying, but I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face. Stan pulled me towards his chest and I didn't stop him, I just hugged him.
We were like that for a few moments, I probably heard someone else breathing but I wasn't really sure because I didn't even care at this point.
"Do you want to talk about it...?" Stan asked.
I definitely wasn't going to talk about it, but I did only want to be with him. "No, but I do want to kiss you now."
I pulled myself up so I was face to face with him. He put his lips against mines first but I went with it. As quick as Wonder Tweek's lightning, we were on the ground, Stan on top of me, making out where basically anyone could have just walked in and see us. I didn't even care, but at the same time Mr. Mackey could have told someone to check us and that would be the end of it. I was shaking but Stan held me down and deepened the kiss fast but softly.
He pulled back and looked at me with a face I had never seen from him. It was a look where his eyes glazed over a bit, and one where he wanted more from me that my mom would have banned me from doing.
He snapped out of it and blushed like crazy. "Sorry..." he said in a voice that had total regret in it.
"No no, it's okay; I liked it a-anyways," there I was telling the truth. It did feel good sort of to kiss him like that.
"I can just tell Mrs. Mackey that we had to go to the nurse, she doesn't care about the passes," Stan made a plan.
We went back to the classroom, the blush tempering down from our faces and all evidence wiped clean off the bathroom and ourselves.
"So Spartans would be damned if they didn't have any- oh hey Kyle, Stan, what took you so long??" Mrs. Mackey questioned us.
"We had to go to the nurse, Kyle threw up," Stan said with a mask of worry on his face.
"Oh ok then, the nurse would obviously help you; ok sit down cause I'm in the middle of ancient Sparta and Athens here," Mrs. Mackey fell for the white lie. I took my seat and went on with my day.
After making out with Stan again and going back to my place, doing everything I did like everyday and going off to bed, Ike came into my room again to lay beside me while I slept. It was becoming routine for me and him, a really soothing one.
That night I actually dreamed of Stan. It was hard to sort in my mind since it was an obvious dream that was messed up, but I think it was me and him at the prom. I think it'll be fun to attend, actually.

Words: 1005

What I Call Normal [Stan x Kyle fanfic](Finished)Where stories live. Discover now