More Than Best Friends

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"I... don't feel so good..." Stan was trudging on with me to class, but ours was cancelled for some odd reason for a half an hour for some 'business' with Mr. Garrison and our teacher Mr(s).Mackey.
I got him to the bathroom and just as I expected; he threw up in the last stall in the bathroom with me with him. I rubbed his back in comfort after he had finished, and he was crying hard.
"God... K-Kyle... *hic* Kyle... I..."
He was stuttering bad when he hugged me and kept muttering things until he said something, that would basically change everything.
"I... I love you Kyle... I love you dude..."
Holy s h i t. It was so relieving some way, but also frightening. What will my parents say? Would Ike and my friends make fun of me? Cartman's gonna call me a gay Jew?????? I felt unsettled but  knew he was dead serious. This was actually happening; I've successfully gotten a stable relationship future... but with a guy! Maybe I'm gay after all...
"I love you too dude... I love you too." And that was until Butters and Kenny started to walk in. I heard them chatting and as soon as the door opened a creak, I picked Stan up bridal style (which has alarmed him while he was crying) and jumped up on the toilet connected to the wall. I wasn't the one to interfere but I had no choice but to listen to their conversation.
"Buttercup... I need to do something with you ok?? You're up for it... right?"
"O-of course I am Ken! I'll do whatever; but what are you gonna do...?"
I heard a thump against the first bathroom stall's wall and a little yelp escape from what was most likely Butters' mouth.
"You." Kenny blurted from the tone of his voice. I can picture Butters was blushing hardcore with Kenny pushing him against the wall. And his lips pushing against his and their tongues colliding into each other... wait. What am I even thinking right now????
AHEM... back to what happened.
I had pictured all of that in my mind and surprisingly I was correct, I can hear Butters moaning a bit in the kiss that Kenny was going for; and the kiss itself. I didn't want to show my face but I definitely wanted to leave. Also, I felt something really hot on my chest. I looked down and it was Stan, fell asleep again like a baby and his face hot, which dried the tears on his face that would have dried out less if he wasn't blushing.
"A-AAH~... K-Ken holy fuck!" Oh my god... he just did a hickey on Butters! That bastard!
"Oh s-sorry! Just... I got a sweater in my backpack, maybe you can use that..." Kenny said it with actual regret.
R I N G G G G G!!! R I N G G G G G!!!
And that's the bell to our third period...? How come no second one for fourth?? Eh, probably Mrs. Mackey being a whore/man whore, he's transsexual anyways.
"Okay..." he muttered something under his breath but I couldn't catch it before they hurried out the door. I sighed and sat down on the toilet seat with Stan still asleep in my arms. What was I going to do with him...? I can wake him up and get each other to our class... or just leave school with him there. No... I'll just stay here and go to our last period before the school day ends.
"Stan..." I said in a calming voice. "Wake up...!"
He opened his eyes, which were calmer then expected and wasn't blushing like he was in his sleep. "Uhm; hey dude..." he sounded confused.
"Don't worry about what happened just now cause we have to go to our last class ok? So you can; like; get off of me now... no offense."
He huffed. "None taken, Kyley." He got off and we headed off to class.
-in the middle of class:-
"Ok children let's start off with a few math problems shall we? Now what's the answer to this problem?" Mrs. Mackey put a math problem up on the board that I knew then answer to. No one raised their hands including me though, I was too shy if my hand was the only one up sometimes.
"I-I know the answer to this one Mrs. Mackey!"
"M-Meh meh meh mehmeh me meh meh memeh memehmeh!" Cartman copied over my wording.
"Hey, shut up fatass!" I blurted out at him.
"Aye! Don't call me fat you fucking Jew!" Well, at least he didn't call me a gay Jew.
"Eric! You just said the f word!"
"...Jew?" R U D E !
"No, you said fuck; you can't say fuck in school you fucking fatass!" I shouted at him a bit but who cares? Everyone hates him.
"Dude, you just said fuck again!" Stan dodged a bullet for me.
"Fuck!" Kenny's voice was muffled but it was as clear as daylight to Mrs. Mackey.
"Well it don't hurt nobody! Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck!"
This is a replay of what happened last month...? Why the hell did Cartman do it again...? Whatever.
"I'm not dealing with this AGAIN... go to the counselor or I'm going to drag you to the principal and call your mother! I am certainly not enduring your insults and everything else you throw my way!"
"...fine." Cartman got up and put his hands up in the air. "Ok, I'll go to Craig (that gay fuck) and those other guys. They'll be there. They will be there."
He left the room slowly with his arms up and ran out of the room as soon as he closed the door.
"Huff... Kyle, what's the answer to the question... 100 divides by 15?"
"... it's 6 and one tenth..."
-at the end of the day-
Me and the rest of my so called four friends walked down the street and called off the fatass since he lives closest to the school and Kenny and Butters since Kenny would be having a sleepover with Butters that night, which is most likely ending up in the two of them banging and Butters earning a bunch of hickeys, having to wear something over his neck.
It was just me and Stan walking down the street, since we lived right next to each other.
Stan stopped and looked at me. I stopped too. "...why did we stop...?" I asked.
He just blushed more and more until he had the courage to say it. "Can I kiss you?"
I figured out that I'm gay. Now I wanna kiss my best friend that made me realize I'm gay. What a turn of events. And I wasn't going to turn down any of them, obviously.
"S-sure." I can tell that I was blushing hard; this was my first kiss anyway.
He put his lips against mines for a split second and started making out with me. On the street. Where people could be watching. It made me shiver, so I pulled back.
"Ok, ok, not here... please. It's too risky; both of us are going to get caught if we do it here."
He agreed and I took his hand. We started walking up the street with our hands interlocked... like we were 5 again. But it meant more than just best friends this time.
We got to our houses and decided to go to Stan's house, his mom wouldn't go into his room much and neither his dad. His sister was always in detention, so she wasn't home. As soon as we opened the door, a note slipped out from the door. It said:
Dear Stan and Shelly,
Me and Randy won't be back until a week has passed since we want to discuss something really important. I've set everything up for you guys and you can call us anytime if you need something. I love you guys!
P.S., For Stan only: you have sort of a say in this, and I love you still; even if I know the secret. I'm sorry my love; I'll be back soon, I promise.
Love, Mom
"Fuck... she..."
"What? What's there?" I tried to take a look for myself but he snatched it further and then hesitated.
"S-sorry. Can we just..." he was turning red again, so I knew what he meant.
We just stood there with the door closed and no curtains left open. We were both turning red until I made a move, I slipped my tongue into his and we started kissing on the couch where I sat while 'it' happened; while Stan was wrapping his whole body around me.
A few minutes afterwards we looked at each other and blushed like crazy. How did my first kiss go to a male in the first place...? Is it my gay ass trying to find love or is it just me having an attraction to my bestie? Whatever it was, thanks for that.
We just sat there not knowing what to do and soon enough, Stan fell asleep on my lap again. He sleeps so soundly that it's cute.
I got him off of me so I can get up and see what was there to eat. I knew for a fact that Stan's Mom had always had her fridge full and I knew how to cook, so I decided to just make myself a panini since they had a toaster. I got everything in order and put the sandwich in the toaster, I put two in there so I was sure I wasn't hungry afterwards. I dug into one, I didn't think I would be this hungry afterwards.
I checked the time: 4:56 pm. Shelly wouldn't be coming home for 20 minutes, so I was good for the next half hour.
But; my mom would be worried. Ike would be cranky in the morning... wait! I can just send a text to her, duh.
I took out my phone and wrote a message:
Hi Mom, I'm going to stay at Stan's house; he has a project coming up and I want to work on it with him. See you in a few hours.
Ok Kyle Be safe there ok
Also remember to finish your homework while you're there
Huh, typical. I don't even have homework; I finished it in school.
I typed in:
I will Mom, thanks!
She didn't respond, so I put my phone in my pocket and put my dish in the sink that had both sandwiches bread crumbs on it and other things I put inside of it. I joined Stan who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch. I picked him up like I did in the bathroom and went into his room, dropping him off on the bed and then joining him after closing the door.
I looked at him with intent eyes and thought. He really is small, light for a fourth. I'm shocked that I can even pick him up. Thinking about it making me sleepy. I heard a door open and close with the sound of a bag being placed on the floor and other noises; but I wasn't half as worried as I would be. Instead, I fell asleep like Stan would. And I think I slept for the whole night, since I only saw daylight afterwards.

Woo long story!
Words: 1923

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