Welp, School I Guess

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"Get on the bus!!!!" The old lady screamed at us as we got on. Someone would have to calm her down so she doesn't scream at us when we got off, and that person was Kenny. Obviously.
"Hey cutie~" Kenny wooed and fingerbanged her, making her blush and look uglier. We can all tell that Kenny was about to puke after we got to our regular seats everyday on the bus, near the back. Butters had helped him not to do that on the bus, or the bus driver would be all mad again and scream at everyone as we exited.
Stan looked at Wendy with a heartbroken expression and sighed as Wendy (that bitch) ignored him and went on to Bebe and Red about some girly stuff in their group that I had visited once and wanted to get off my mind.
Wendy Testaburger; I wish she want such a whore and just say sorry to him. Besides, she's ungrateful just like all the other girls in the fourth grade except Heidi even though she's doing things for a cause that isn't even relative to the society. She beat up Cartman until the point of death but he somehow didn't die. She's broken Stan's heart bunches of times... once with the black kid named Token, once with my arch enemy that I've hated for trying to take Stan away from me called Gary, even with Cartman! I hate her for it, but I believe she hates me too since I hang out with Stan a lot. I think she's theorized that we were together before it was 'canon'. That's a term that the Asian girls use, don't blame me.
Cartman kisses Heidi while going to his seat and gave her one of his brownies; all the girls fangirled about it and Heidi blushed while the fatass smirked and went to his seat.
Kenny was basically complimenting every person on the bus, even the gay couple that gets followed by Asian girls like paparazzis to a celebrity. Whatever, he's pansexual anyways. (Pansexual means you're attracted to any type of gender, for those of you who are uneducated in this. Don't mind me about it, I looked it up in the dictionary. I'm not... gay... or anything.)
As for Butters, he just clung on to Kenny like his life depended on him. Wow, Cartman might be right about them...
We all got to our seats and Stan sat next to me. He half laid his head on my shoulder on the ride like always as I looked out the window to see our town, South Park. The craziest town down from Earth anyone's ever seen.
Stan fell asleep... I can tell he did it again. He drank again. God, Stan; it's nerve racking how your friend can just not be happy even if you're around to help.
Cartman kept eating his fattening brownies and Kenny talked to Butters about something on the way to school; Stan sleeping and me doing nothing but looking out the window to our weird ass town. Girls gossiped, those two gay kids making out somehow with one shaking with a cup of coffee and the other with a chello hat looking at him all serious but you can tell he was liking it. The Asian girls peeking at them, two of the gay couples' third wheels watching the Asian girls draw out the scene in front of them intently, the girls gossiping about Cartman and Heidi together while Heidi was there sweating and blushing red... so much happening but nothing at the same time.
I looked at Stan passed out and felt sorry for him. So sorry; so sorry that I checked that no one was watching and kissed him on the forehead.
"GAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" Cartman blasted and I turned around, heart beating in my chest and me already sweating more like Heidi with butterflies in my stomach. Alas, he was saying this to Kenny and Butter. Thank god.
I sat back down relieved as we got to our last stop to pick up a kid that was part of the third wheels with crutches.
I knew his name, frankly.
Jimmy Valser; he's a kid with crutches and a disorder, but I believe it's cerebral palsy. His left eye is faced upwards and he stutters uncontrollably when he talks. I feel sympathy, but not much... I don't really know him that well. The bus driver was really nice to him, but we all knew it wouldn't cover up her horrifying face as it was.
As well as I didn't want to wake Stan up, I had to as we neared the school.
"Mmm... I slept again... didn't I...?" he asked me in a low tone.
"Yes, you did. Don't worry, I'll let you use my shoulder as a fluffy pillow later. We're here."
Stan got up with difficulty so I helped him up. I can feel the snake (Wendy)'s eyes on me and him like lasers in the back of my head, then off as I checked to see if she wasn't looking up at me no more. She wasn't. But I knew she wanted to kill me.
I helped Stan off the bus and he held my hand a bit as we walked to school.
Everyone including us and the order three trailing behind walked into the double doors of what you can call a living hell; mind the one where Stan was once, Damien, Pip, and Satan himself is.

Words: 917

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