A Blue Tux!

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I woke up on time for once, but I still wanted to sleep to finish my lovely dream.
I just laid in bed until: "Kyle! Get out of bed, it's half past 6!" My Mom woke me from my half REM sleep. "What is wrong with you this week?? You've been coming home late and oversleeping and..." she kept rambling on with what I've been doing differently while I wearily got ready to go to school.
When I finished, Mom ushered me out the door and lectured me about keeping my good traits up or something. I wasn't paying attention though, daydreaming about the prom with Stan. There would be Clyde and Bebe, Token and Nicole, Craig and Tweek, Jimmy would be trying to be getting someone to go to prom with him, Cartman would be with Wendy, Kenny would be the same as Jimmy, and so on and so forth... then there's me and Stan, and the blurred voice of my mom shifted from anger to worriment, asking if I'm alright or if I need to see a doctor. I could tell my face was purple and red, I was too into the dream. And then I think I fainted.
When I woke up, I was back in my room again. I felt a cold... something on my head and the rest of my body was mildly warm. I pulled off the thing on my head, an ice pack was on my forehead and my whole body was put under a few comforters. I wiggles my arm out and found my phone on my nightstand.
3:36 PM, 95%, 🔒, 2 bars, Sprint LTE, Fios EXT, Tuesday, December 2nd, 2017
School just ended... great. Stan was probably worried about me.
And then I see my mom at the door. "Oh thank lord, Kyle; you got me scared that you could have been choking or something. You head was swelling up like a red balloon! Also, some of your friends came over to see you, do you wanna see them sweetie pie?"
Even if they were all there, I just wanted to see Stan. "Sure," I said, tiredly but determined.
Mom disappeared and a few moments later, Stan, Cartman, Kenny and Butters were there too. Butters had a new but classy scarf on and Kenny had his hood down so his whole face was showing. Cartman had new scars on his face, he was probably forced to come here. Stan, he was most likely crying because of my absence because of dry white tear marks from his eyes and onto his cheeks. Sorry Stanley...
"Oh thank god Kyle...!" Stan half ran to me and put his head on my chest while bending down and holding my hand.
"Gay Jew..." Cartman interrupted but Kenny kicked him. Butters looked at Kenny and elbowed him slightly. When Kenny looked, Butters shook his head no and Kenny blushed while looking away. Butters tilted his head a little and smiled while putting his attention to us.
Stan was crying again, so I just held his hand tightly, reassuring his that it was alright and that I was fine. "I just fainted, you don't have to be worried about me," I tried to calm him down at least a little bit. He was so cute, I couldn't stop myself from smiling at him being so worried about me.
"Mmmmmmm..." he looked up at me while giving up the tears.
"Ugh... it's too gay in here, I'm going," Cartman said disgusted while walking out of my room. Kenny tried to bring him back but Butters stopped him, whispering some stuff to him that I couldn't make out. I remembered the conundrum last time and I was instantly pissed off.
"Butters," I called to him.
"Huh?" He sounded confused.
"Why do you have bunches of scarves on every day in school, and one right now?"
Butters blushed a deep red. "I-I bought too many and w-wanted to try them all..."
"Hell if that's true."
Kenny blushed the same tone as Butters did but more blue.
"Kenny, what did you do to Butters?"
"Wha...!" Kenny was stuttering madly. "I didn't do anything to him! You're accusing me of that!!"
"Shush. You don't have to tell me, I already know. It felt illegal for you to do that." Stan looked up at me, confused at what I was saying.
Kenny and Butters were looking at each other now, red faces and sweating tremendously.
"You we're giving Butters hickeys, Kenny. I was there in the last bathroom stall and you came in and started making out with each other like you wouldn't have any other time to. Get. A. Room."
Butters and Kenny were aghast. Butters pulled the scarf up to his face and Kenny pulled his hood up. Stan looked at me with a more confused look.
"Don't worry too much about it, Stanley," I didn't want him to feel embarrassed too so I spared him. He shrugged it off and kissed me bunches of times on the cheek. I didn't stop him but I blushed like always. Butters and Kenny stopped and stared with starry eyes.
"Cuteeeeeeeeee!!!" They said at the same time.
Stan stopped kissing me and put his head on my chest again, feeling embarrassed then and making some sort of harmless growl.
"Don't worry it's fine," I said to him, parting the part between his back and his neck. Kenny and Butters were cooing about how cute we were together, and I didn't really mind. "Hey guys..." Stan said to all of us, "Should we go to set up for the prom this Friday? Like, it's only, like, three days away..."
Butters and me were thinking for a moment and I can tell Kenny was into it already.
"Hell. Yeah! Let's do it later today! You can get your mom to do it, right Kyley?"
I hesitated, but Stan was insisting with sort of puppy eyes. I couldn't resist...
"...Sure. And don't call me that, it brings up bad; memories."
Everyone was good with it, including Butters even if he just nodded his head to it. "We can buy some bubble tea on the way, it's on me!" Kenny got us to smile and agree on him.
"By 'on me', it's on me." Butters admitted sadly.
"Wow Kenny," I said disappointed. We all still knew that he was broke, so he frequently borrowed it from Butters so he can get everyone to sleep with him, but he was still Butters' boyfriend.
I sat up while my mom peaked into my room.
"Kyle, me and your father are going to take Ike to the doctor, okay? You don't have to go, you already gone to the doctor a few weeks ago. Don't do anything wrong!" She warned me carefree while heading out the door.
"...help..." Ike pleaded to me as he was dragged out the door and into the car. We laughed as they drove off to Hells Pass Hospital.
As everyone went back to their houses to get ready, I was checking for my mom and dad to get far from the house. I didn't want them to see me outside this late at night.

What I Call Normal [Stan x Kyle fanfic](Finished)Where stories live. Discover now