School Begins On A Horrible Note

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I woke up to an empty bed and screaming...
Then clatters and then someone dropping and sobbing loudly.
Although how tired I was, I got up and ran downstairs and found Stan's sister on top of him, Stan himself crying his eyes out with a black eye and scars and bruises on his wrist and face.
I grabbed Shelly by her weird braces and broke them, then threw her off of Stan and kicked her with all the might my foot had. She screamed in pain of the braces that has been ripped from her mouth as a rushed Stan upstairs; who was still crying; and sat him on the toilet.
"Are you okay dude?"
"Y-yeah... now that I'm with you..." he kept blushing and crying at the same time. "S-she said that stuff b-because... she's homophobic; and... a-and..."
"Shh, it's ok," I said to him while pushing his face into my collarbone and hugging him; he immediately hugged back and created a wet spot on my coat but I didn't really mind.
Stan pushed me away and curled up in a ball in the corner of the bathroom. I tried to get him up but he wouldn't budge.
"Come... on... Stan...! I can get you out of here... and away from Shelly!!"
He finally put down his guard for a second and my rug loosened. We both fell on the floor, him on top of me and his face so close to mines that we would have kissed like in the movies. He blushed so hard that his face got hot, and he was so paralyzed that he couldn't move.
"U-Uhm... dude..." I waved my hand over his face but he wouldn't budge until he shit his head up. We both heard the steps up the stairs that would head for his room, then his parents; then the bathroom where we were.
"Shit..." he mouthed. I picked him up without warning and got to the window that was conveniently in the bathroom, and I jumped out with him on my hip.
We were on the second floor which was all the way off the ground, so I fell and hit my head on the ground. Me and Stan didn't have our backpacks, but we heard a bust from upstairs. Then our backpacks and phones were thrown out the window we came out of.
Then we saw Shelly with a bleeding nose and bloody teeth sticking us both of her middle fingers. "DON'T COME BACK HERE YOU GAY-ASS FUCK!! AND THAT GOES TO YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND TOO!!
I heard a slam on the window and Stan about to cry because of his sniffling. I hugged him and let him go onto my back. He was going Clyde on me cause of how much he cried. But; I loved him and it was like a chore to have him happy... how can that sentence get more gay than it is...
I got both of our backpacks and carried all of him to school. I checked the time on my now broken phone. 7:20. At least we were sort of early.
It wasn't hard to go through the snow, even with all of Stan's belongings added to mine. His backpack was light and so was he. I guess he doesn't eat too much.
I found Kenny and Butters chatting at the bus stop; Butters now had a little red and orange scarf on; then they took one look at me and rushed to help. Surprisingly, Butters has a first aid kit in his bag in case any bullies hurt him (or his dad, but I never told him that I knew). He stopped the blood and patched up his eye, and Kenny asked me what happened. I wasn't harmed, so I told his everything that happened while I was at Stan's house. Stan curled up in the snow after being treated by Butters; he had a little eyepatch on his eye and a few bandaids on his cheeks and arms; but I helped him up and onto my back.
"Hey Butters, we should do that someti-!" Kenny suggested but Butters cut in with a firm. "NO. Cartman is gonna tell the whole school that we're gay if he has evidence that we are." Then he looked at us and covered his mouth, but I stopped him.
"Don't worry, we're gay too. You can trust us if you are, but no one can tell Cartman anything or he'll tell everyone."
Butters nodded and put his hands down off of his lips, sighing softly and blushing a little.
"AYE!! WHAT IS THIS, A GAY SQUAD??" We all knew it was the fatass Cartman. He stopped and stared at me and Stan for a few moments, but I completely ignored him.
"Kahl, Stan's your boyfriend? I have lost all my devotion in you-" he stated but I cut in, "YOU NEVER EVEN HAD ANY DEVOTION IN ANYONE EXCEPT HEIDI FATASS!!"
He twitched and stared at me dead in the eye. Then the unbelievable happened. He shoved me to the ground with Stan on top of me still and we fell down to the ground. Kenny and Butters were shocked and Kenny punched Cartman in the stomach and Butters helped us as we got up; Stan hugged me tightly and I hugged back while Cartman was failing to fight back to the kid in the orange parka. He finally gave up as Kenny came to a stop of kicking him, since the fatass was helpless on the floor. Blood and tears covered his face, but Butters didn't rush to aid him.
He was weakened; Kenny whispered something into his ear and Cartman nodded vigorously despite his broken face. Kenny dropped him and I was surprised that he hadn't got a single drop of Cartman's blood on his body. He leaned onto the bus pole while Butters hesitantly fixed Cartman up. Cartman didn't respond to his touch, but didn't have it willingly either.
When he finished, he laid next to Kenny and they chatted like always. Cartman stood like he always would... but farther from us; I could tell he feared to be beaten again by Kenny or hospitalized, looking humiliated because of his weakness.
Then the bus came, but the lady didn't say a word as we entered. She just looked blankly at the window of the bus; eyes glazing over. Alas, the bus seemed normal as always. The gay couple snuggling together and the three other wheels playing Rock Paper Scissors, the Asian girls drawing the scene; I think I saw the French kid that actually died a long time ago but when I looked again, he was gone. I felt something beat the top of my head with a surging pain but I didn't really feel it at  the same time. Whatever. The girls were farther from the front than normal, close to our seats. Cartman was in the back of us, but didn't sit next to us. He sat next to Heidi. As always, Wendy shot a look of bitterness and coldness at me and then at Stan. He winced and scooted closer to me as we neared our seats. Butters and Kenny sat at the back and to the nearest to the left so no one can see him but me and Stan. They started kissing like in the bathroom, but me and Stan weren't paying any attention to it.
"Can I sit in your lap Kyle...?" Stan asked shyly to me.
"Uhm... yeah, sure. If you want to...!" I said, I could feel myself blushing red through my freckles.
I sat down and Stan sat in my lap, facing me and putting his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.
Wait, I didn't envision it this way...! My face was so hot that I wanted to splash it in cold water and drown in it.  He looked at me with his sad eye, it looked like an ocean on a stormy night with a little glow of lightning in it. he was crying. He hiccuped while he was at it and his eyepatch got a bit wet from it, his bandaids getting mixed with it and the blood.
I held him close, and I felt the striking pain of anxiousness hit me like a bus. It was Wendy, staring at us with her purple but red eyes. She wanted to kill me, I was sure of it. I looked up; my assumption was correct, even about the eyes. They were some sort of maroon color. I would confront her about this. It can't go on for too long.
I kissed his forehead when I knew he was asleep and looked out into our world. Our wacky world. And I'm a reason why. I'm gay. With my best friend. And so are two of my other friends. Who beat up my frienemy. And a girl is jealous of my relationship with my boyfriend, her ex boyfriend. My life is messed up in ways that I love, and some I hate. But it doesn't matter to me now. All that I need to do is take care of Stan, he's precious to me. And to try and get Wendy off of us, that bitch.
I heard Stan mumble softly, and say 'I love you Kyle'. My heart skipped beats until he said 'Don't let Wendy kill me... please...' So he was scared of her too. I'm definitely going to talk to her sooner or later today.
The bus stopped, and we all saw the school. I woke Stan up and he got off of me. We were last to get off since he kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. I think that we were going to become the main attraction of the Asian girls; I saw this one girl look at us and run to her group with an excited look on her face like she's just seen Jesus. I did mind, she was probably going to be the death of us. Alas, I didn't mind at the moment; I was blushing too much since Stan began to hold my hand. Was he making moves? I didn't know for sure, but I was worth getting close to him.
We walked into the building finally, in no rush since we were early. Fuck Wendy, and Cartman too.

Words: 1820

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