Love and Snow

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- Sunday -

'Today is the day.'
That's what kept resonating in my mind as I got dressed for this date of mines. Of course it wasn't an actual date, but it was considered as one.
I had texted Stan so much yesterday that my thumbs were sore, but I didn't care. It was 9:40 and I had to get there by 10 PM. I threw on my clothing and my shoes; checking myself in the mirror was now mandatory. I actually looked good... for a small kid that skipped a grade cause of excellence. Eh.
I dabbed a bit of hair gel in my head, I wasn't going to bring my hat. This was an occasion with my boyfriend! It was special.
I sprayed some green apple cologne/perfume (my favorite type) and headed out. Apparently my mom, dad, and Ike weren't here. They just... left me here. I didn't even care. I didn't care about a lot of things since Stan and me started being boyfriends. And all I cared about was him, he was the best friend and boyfriend I could ever have.
I swung my door open when a hand bumped me on my face, mid-force.
"Oh shit- Kyle I'm sorry! Are you alright?" I saw Stan take his hand away from my face and blush slightly.
"Dude, I'm alright! Calm down," he slowed his pace in speech immediately. I took a look at him. He looked decent, a Blue tux like mines and no hat, revealing his raven hair. He even smelled of blueberries... " just have to kiss it for me~" a smirk crawled up on my face while he blushed more. He hesitantly kissed me on the nose. "That's better. Now let's go, we don't wanna be late!" I closed the door, taking his hand and dragging him to the school.






"Alright children," Mrs. Garrison announced on the microphone to a sea of sixth to tenth graders: about three hundred students that were crammed into the auditorium. Bleachers were on the right, balloons in the front of the entrance like streamers. There was various things on the floor beneath us: food, party canon streamers, glitter, etcetera. Everyone started to squirm in anticipation; he was going to announce the king and queen/king and king/queen and queen. We all knew who it was going to be.
"The king and king for this year's prom is no one other than... Craig and Tweek!"
Few applauded, the majority just shook their heads. But as soon as they got up to the front, they didn't get to the seats. They went up to the microphone and Craig whispered in her ear.
A few 'oh's and 'oh my's were given, but she then started to take a step back. Craig leaned in and his monotone voice filled the microphone.
"Change of plans people. We know me and my beautiful boyfriend are always king and king of prom. We have decided to give the throne to other people and pass it on."
Everyone leaned in questioning of who the new king/queen and king/queen were. Who could it be?
"The eighth grade should know who these people are. They just started dating. Like... a few weeks ago. They've joined our LGBT club recently and a bunch of stuff has happened and it's cliche of us, I know. But... the new king and king is... Stan and Kyle. You can applaud now."
Everyone started clapping as people from the back of us pushed us foward to the throne.
Stan was as excited as I was, with a wide grin on his face that spread to each ear.
We made our way up to the stage and Craig and Tweek stepped aside from the microphone, letting us speak for ourself.
Stan started. "We're obviously glad to have the throne as of this year, and me and Kyle love eachother as much to share it together. It has been a bumpy road over the course of over 2 weeks and since fourth grade of us sharing the feelings we have now. And we want to thank you all for it." Everyone clapped once again, joyously and a few whistles and shouts here and there. We were handed a huge staff, one
that was too big for me since I haven't been growing much throughout the 4 years, and had gotten pictures of us holding it and whatnot.
The slow dance was coming up, but I was nervous... how could I be, you ask? I could bump into someone, step on one of Stan's feet, I could fall and break my head open! And now I was acting like Tweek.
"Dude, I'm nervous to slow dance..." I whispered in Stan's ear.
He just gave me a look like he knew what he was doing.
He leaned back into the mic after the clapping quieted down. "With that, you can head to the slow dance. Me and Kyle gotta go; have a good night everyone!" Everyone applauded once again as we handed Craig and Tweek the staff and walked out through the back entrance.
I gasped.
It was snow!
There were snowflakes everywhere, dancing around us. The snow was heavier than usual, but it was shoveled out all over town from what we all knew.
"Cmon dude, I got a place." Stan lead the way, holding my gloved hand.
I found something familiar about the road we were taking until we reached our destination—Starks Pond.
It was absolutely stunning. The pond was frozen over glossily, there were cracks by the edges and skating lines all over. Most of the plant life was partially covered in snow, not being bothered to be shoveled out.
Stan dusted off the huge rock that laid in the middle of the snow that built up on it and sat down, motioning me to sit with him. I sat to the left side of him.
Stan broke the short silence between us. "Yknow, I'm glad we're together."
"Yeah... it's cool but sorta messed up that even after four years we didn't know about our crushes on each other."
He chuckled cutely. "Hey, it wasn't my fault!"
"I know, it wasn't either of our faults. But back then, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. It was important to me," I laid my head on his shoulder and our hands interlocked.
"True. But now that we're a couple... what're we gonna do now...?"
I gazed at the frozen pond. "I don't know dude... I guess we'll just stay in the school as the third gay couple that South Park will fangirl over."
Stan managed a laugh and kissed my forehead. He squeezed my hand softly as he said the words that meant the whole world coming from him.

"Then let's do what we both call normal."


The story ends here~
Words: 1145

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