Rainbow Cults

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Ok. What. The fuck. Was that?! Wouldn't they have told me afterwards?! ITS A GAY CULT FOR FUCKS SAKE!!
I punched myself in the face internally for being so dumb. This is what having a boyfriend will get you, they said. Being gay will make you crazy, they said. And they were right...
I buried my hands in my head halfway through Mrs. Garrison's lesson. So dumb and stupid and... laser eyes?
I could feel someone staring at me like always... it can't be Wendy or Stan. I finally realized that it was Craig. That mother fucker messing up my day!

Craig's POV (clap it up bitches I use someone else's perspective)

Boy was I hoping to have Kyle in our group.
Since him and Stan are together now, we could have more people for our group. No one cared but Clyde and Bebe broke up and I think that Token is gonna fuck him sooner or later by them sneaking into Token's parents' wine cabinet and getting drunk as hell on one of their sleepovers. It happened once and they did the most fucked up shit you can imagine. If Tweek and me got drunk and did have sex I would be soooooooooo happy.
Tweek, my beloved boyfriend, was jittering beside me cause of all the Pumpkin Spice Lattes he drank this morning and basically of all the caffeine that runs through his veins. I don't know why he drinks coffee so much since it tastes super weird to me, but if it makes him happy then I'm happy.
I shot glares at Kyle during second period of biology, hoping he could feel the burns in the back of his neck. He better have come up to the back of school or else I would have to make him.

C + T   S + K   B + K   T + C

Kenny, Butters, Tweek and me were all in the back of the school waiting for Kyle. He should've been here any moment, Stan would have dragged him here since he agreed to. But Stan has a soft spot in his heart, probably letting Kyle go off. He IS caring like that.

What I Call Normal [Stan x Kyle fanfic](Finished)Where stories live. Discover now