Single Wendy

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I got Stan to our class and sat him down. He was fast asleep somehow. He didn't drink any alcohol for what I know, probably just because he got in the fight with Shelly earlier. Safe to say, I beat her up like the Chinese Warring States in a nutshell! (Impressed? I learned that in history class!)
I then felt her maroon eyes shooting me down once again, Wendy. Ugh, I'm sick of her shit. Why does she keep eyeing me all the time? It's annoying and furthermore creepy. I'll see her at lunch. I don't really eat a lot and even if I did, I ate quick.
"Ok, class, can you give me your attention please?" Mrs. Mackey stood in the front of the class and was waving his ruler in the air.
"Dude...! Dude..!" I shook Stan slightly until he woke up in a daze with a glaze over his eyes. He snapped out of it and turned his focus to the transgender teacher in front of the class.
💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚 "Lets start of with some science questions from last week, okay? Now; what type of rock is made from deep in the core of volcanoes and crystallization?"
I raised my hand first in class as always. He picked me to answer.
"An ingenious rock goes through crystallization!"
"Meh mehmehmeh meh meh mehmehmeh mehmeh!" Cartman picked up my wording with meh's like last time.
Mrs. Mackey... didn't say anything. They had a dead look in her eyes like she just killed someone. She started to walk toward Cartman with a swift stride while he was smirking widely by my desk, although I can see the worry in his eyes and the sweat starting to form and drop like beads down his triple chin. She took him by his hair and no matter how much he weighed or how loud and distracting his cries were, she downright pulled him toward the door and, as we were expecting, to the principal.
We sat in silence for the first time in forever until Mrs. Mackey came back. "O-ok class, if any of you... want to become a teacher, DON'T do what... I just did. Ok...?" He advised us with pants and huffs accompanying his voice.
"Ok Mrs. Mackey..." the class said at once.
"Also Kyle, y-you're right... as always..."
I sat down at my lunch table with my lunch tray; which consisted of grilled cheese, a fruit cup, and a milk carton that I wouldn't drink anyway since I'm lactose intolerant. The fat ass sat beside me, snacking on the sandwich, chocolate chip cookies and grape soda that his mom packed for him. As always, the gay couple; Craig and Tweek; sat together eating and talking to each other like Butters and Kenny were, along with Token and Clyde. Jimmy was playing with his crutches, but looked rather satisfied then bored and left out.
Guess I'll have to explain everyone's profiles from Craig's group, huh? Well, here I go.
Craig Tucker; he goes to the counselor's office a lot but somehow isn't as intriguing as Cartman is to Mrs. Mackey. Why? He flips everyone off, I mean everyone. Even his boyfriend Tweek. Yeah, he's gay. Like I am and Butters and Kenny and Stan and Tweek and basically 60% of the table I sit at. He owns a guinea pig named Stripe, and it's kinda cute. He also loves space, and that's all I know about him actually. I never saw him without his cello hat off so I'll just leave it as that.
Tweek Tweak; the kid who shakes and lives off coffee. Like, who goes a week without sleep?! I don't know, but it's him. His parents own a coffee shop, so I guess that's where he gets his unlimited amount of coffee beans to actually make the coffee. I'm guessing that they love him for his homosexuality cause they always have a new picture of Tweek and his boyfriend Craig that looks drawn by the Asian girls called "yaoi" on their doorstep. Well, both him and Craig are gay and they aren't really afraid to show it. I don't really care but it's sort of cute with sort of bleh.
Clyde Donavan; he's the kid who has no self control of new emotions. He's cool and all, but cries a lot because his mom died. We were there at his mother's funeral and it was just... sad. He likes tacos and nachos though. That's like, the only good thing about him. Sorry Clyde.
Token Black; the only black kid with a black family in South Park, not including Chef. Somehow he's like the richest kid in town and has a big house uptown, he's been the host of multiple parties. Cartman says that he killed Token once, but we don't believe him. Now he has the shirt that says 'Token's Life Matters'. Just fucking wow Cartman.
Jimmy... I've already described him so I'm not repeating it again.
The snake eyes of Wendy fell onto me and I looked up. Of course it was her. I pulled up my backpack and ripped a piece of paper from my math textbook. To conclude this conflict, I'd have to just give her a notice. Then I would compromise with her later today. If you couldn't decipher that, I would just nonverbally tell her to meet up with me later today so she can stop eyeing me and Stan like a demon all the time.
I wrote this on the potential paper airplane:

What I Call Normal [Stan x Kyle fanfic](Finished)Where stories live. Discover now