Chapter 2: Strange Dreams on Broadway Street 💜

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It was Friday the thirteenth, THE day of bad luck. Most people think of the movie where a guy in a hockey mask comes to kill you, but it's just another ordinary day. Just another blip on the radar. However, ordinary ceased to exist for me on that day. Though it would spiral into the depths of the valley of insanity, it started out as boring and mundane as any other day of my boring life.

I did my morning routine and  got dressed as usual. Today, I wore a short-sleeved, peach-colored top, khaki cargo shorts, and my favorite pair of brown sandals. As for accessories, I was thinking gold today. In one ear, I had a stud earring and in the other, a small hoop. On my left wrist, I wore several gold bangle bracelets. Around my neck was my favorite necklace, a leather cord with a charm that looks like a keyblade. I wore my hair in low pigtails to keep it out of my face.

Squeaky, my pet cat, ran into the room and jumped on the bed

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Squeaky, my pet cat, ran into the room and jumped on the bed. The black mackerel strips running across his brown fur shimmered in the sunlight peeking through my window. His peridot eyes sparkled with the light of a thousand stars. Rubbing his head on my outstretched arm (a gesture I affectionately refer to as head butt love), a small vibration sound escaped from his body. A purr! "Oh, I love you too, Squeak," I said, my voice all lovey-dovey. Strutting away from me, he flopped down next to the pillow I sleep on, displaying his slightly bald tummy in trust. All of the cat videos in existence don't compare to the cuteness that is Squeaky. A tiny giggle escaped me at his antics.

"Feeling relaxed?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. A tiny squeak escaped from him, the very reason why he was named what he was. "Good, then you won't mind if I tell you that I'm going out with my mom today." I stroked the little amount of fur that was left. Why did he keep pulling out the fur in that area? Was it stress or was it fleas? His inner thoughts are an enigma.

My tabby cat swiped at me: his way of telling me that he had had enough of the stroking. "Okay," I sighed. "I get it!" My mother's voice sounded from the other room, a small hint of urgency laced in it. "I'm coming!" I shouted in her direction, hoping she would here me. My attention returned to my cat.

"I have to go, Squeaky. You be good while I'm gone, ya hear?!" With a final boop on his nose, I slipped on my sandals, grabbed my pink Candie's purse, and headed out the door. My face beamed with the light of a thousand stars as I thought of all the stuff I was going to do today, unaware that my plans were about to go down the toilet.


In case you didn't know, music is my life.Rarely have I met a type of music I don't like and on busy days like this, I prefer to have my headphones on me. Today, the sound of my music brought me relief from the stressful thoughts going through my mind. Little did I know that I would be listening to my music when... the incident occurred.

My mom had taken me to Andrea's Prom and Bridal to replenish my supply of moisturizer. Being surrounded by all of those dresses made me think of my future. The dress I would wear on my prom night. The dress I would wear at my wedding. Maybe the latter would end up displayed in a box like my mother's wedding dress before it. It was too early for me to know.

There was an ice cream shop down the way, a local shop that sold (in my opinion) the best ice cream in the world. Everything there was hand-scooped, which is the difference between real ice cream and frozen yogurt. The flavor in real ice cream has the strength of a lion in its taste and texture. You could get a for real brain freeze from that. My stomach was dying for a taste of that ice cream.

"Mom, I want ice cream," I said. "Could you please lone me some money?" 

She reached into her purse and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Just promise me you'll came straight back." I nodded my head at her statement. "It'll only take me a few minutes," I stated, raising an eyebrow. With those words, I was out the door. The heat of the sun lightly hit my skin, making me long for the taste of ice cream that much more.

Before crossing Broadway Street, I pushed the button on the traffic light to make it turn red faster and then tapped my phone to listen to music. "Her Diamonds" by Rob Thomas played through my headphones as I started across. I love that song and the music video that goes along with it. The video possess elements that came out of dreams; that surreal quality has always fascinated me and peaked my interest. Little did I know that things were going to start to get really surreal when... it showed up.

It happened to be some kind of silver SUV that was speeding down Broadway Street. It's coat shined in the light of the sun as it approached, not showing signs of slowing down. Red means stop! Red means stop! My mind screamed, telling me to run, but my legs were frozen in that spot. Taking off my headphones, I did the only thing I could think to do: Brace for impact... and that's when things got strange.

Instead of feeling the crushing pain of being run over by a car, I felt... nothing. I opened my eyes to see what was going on and what I saw was beyond belief... the car that was about to hit me had stopped. When I say "stop", I don't mean the driver hit the brakes, I mean "stop" as in the car was frozen in mid-drive for no reason at all. When I took my eyes away from the car, I saw that it wasn't the only thing that stopped. Birds hovering in midair, people who looked like they were walking, but were just not moving; it was like... time had stopped.

But the weirdest part was still yet to come. Sunlight, people, all of Jackson started fading out. When it stopped, I was standing on a cylindrical platform; there was nothing but darkness for miles and light came from an unknown source above. On the surface of the platform was the design of a forest in the style of a stained-glass window; lovely to look at. The whole atmosphere was familiar to me. These elements were similar to those in a video game. Voices started speaking to me.

"So much to do, so little time," they said. Wanting to find out who it was, I looked around, but no one was there; I assumed that it was just in my head. Again, it spoke, "You have nothing to fear from this place." Despite that, all of this made me uneasy, regardless if it was safe. What was all of this about?

"Your destiny is about to be revealed to you," the voice explained. "Would you like to listen?" I accepted the offer, knowing very well how dangerous knowledge of the future can be. Macbeth teaches that lesson very clearly, or as clearly as Shakespearean plays are.  At that moment, Squeaky appeared before me... and started speaking to me!

"Beware. You are about to be tested..."

I was scared half to death at this point.

"At times, you may even doubt if you can trust yourself..."

Okay, forget half-scared, I was scared. A talking cat is unnatural!

"But don't be afraid..."

My heart was in my throat.

"You possess a powerful ability that will save many..."

With that, the vision of Squeaky disappeared. Secretly, I was wanting it to go away. What was going on? Had I come to this place just to be tormented and what had I done to deserve this? But as quickly as I arrived in this place, it was gone.

In a  flash of light, the strange place vanished and I woke up. Had it all been a dream? It didn't feel like it. Through observations, I gathered that I was in the backseat of a car. How did I get there? Remember, I was on the crosswalk when the world started fading out. So how did I get here, in a car that definitely didn't belong to my family?

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