Chapter 18: Apples, Apples, and More Apples 💜

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I woke up with a start days later from another bad dream. In a panic, I took out a piece of paper that was entirely blank. With pencil in hand, I started writing down what I dreamed about. Keep in mind that it was a dream, so my memory might be fuzzy. Still, I will try to recall it to the best of my ability.

Cyrena had appeared in my nightmare this time. Shayla and her goons were abusing me, both physically and verbally. As I bled, Cyrena whispered in my ear, urging me to use the keyblade. Anger took over and within moments, they were all on the ground, their hearts gone and flying off into oblivion. Suddenly, my keyblade vanished from my hand. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't re-summon it. Seeing my hands (which had turned black as night), I knew the truth... I was Heartless Aislynn again.

Thank goodness it was only a dream. I don't think I could handle any more scares like that. To make me feel better, I turned on my computer, went on YouTube, and selected the Kingdom Hearts Cutscene Movie. Next, I skipped to the end, where Sora and King Mickey seal the Door to Darkness on both sides. His Majesty's parting words were "There will always be a door to the light." This line always stuck to me like glue. It means that even in the deepest darkness, there is light and there is hope.

Master Yen Sid said in Kingdom Hearts II that the Door to Light could be opened by keyblade wielders ( "Chosen wielder of the Keyblade, you are the key that will open the door to light."). Yes, not just Sora, but any keyblade wielder who serves the light. For me, though, I had doubts about myself. I'm nothing like Sora... or King Mickey. I have been keeping secrets from my five friends because I don't want them to judge me. These secrets even make me question why the keyblade chose me in the first place.


One week later on Tuesday, me and Joshua were at my locker. As I exchanged my stuff, Shayla's horrible voice echoed down the hall. I tried to escape, but it was no use; Shayla stopped me. "Are you two together, Freak?" She asked. Slowly, I tried to look as firm as possible. "Yes, as a matter of fact." Within seconds, Shayla let out a harsh laugh. "Are you kidding," she violently hacked. "You're more of a man than he is!"

A throbbing started in my head, probably from where a  certain vein was working overtime to pump blood. Everything felt hot; I knew I was getting mad. Why wouldn't I be mad? Shayla had just called me a man-lady! Though, remembering my last bad dream, I stifled my anger, no matter how much it pained me. Instead of an insult, I said, "How rude!"

Shayla stared daggers at me. "I heard that emo-boy is DJing at the Homecoming dance. Homecoming is not your night, freak. People like you will never matter, so make way for the people who do." What a stupid choice of words. Then again, Shayla was never one for poetry... unlike yours truly. "I'm gonna go to lunch," I stated, my voice as dry as sand paper. "Come on, Josh. Apparently, we're not welcome here at the moment." Joshua descended the stairs before me, but before I followed, I turned to look at Shayla. "You should probably take your own advice, cause you don't matter either." There you go, poetry.

Joshua looked at me in awe when I caught up with him. "What was that about, Aislynn?" Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding in, I tried to look serious but broke down into laughter. "Shayla doesn't scare me anymore," I giggled, trying and failing to stay calm. "I've had dreams that are way scarier than her." Awkward silence followed (I hate awkward silence). The silence was broken by me when I said, "Plus, I'm super excited for tomorrow."

"What happens tomorrow?!" Everyone asked the question at the lunch table. "It's Apple Festival week!" I exclaimed. In Jackson, we have an annual celebration called the Apple Festival during the third full week of September. We (the people of Jackson County) do this every year to celebrate all of the local apple orchards. The event is such a big deal, all students in the school district get Wednesday off to celebrate... and I wanted all of us to go.

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