Chapter 27: The Composer's Pact with the Chosen One 💜

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I awoke from my dive to see Joshua fighting his raging ex... and he was losing. Wanting to help, I tried to get up, but my body felt surprisingly heavy. It felt like a weight had been attached to my body, making it nearly impossible to move. Still, I managed to slowly stand up. The moment I was on my feet, I realized what was going on: I was wearing keyblade armor.

You heard me right. Keyblade armor! An entire suit of it! The vizor on the helmet was tinted, so that plus the nighttime atmosphere made it hard to see what I looked like. But I knew the armor was metallic and tinted purple. The whole thing sort of resembled Ven's armor only modified to fit a woman. In addition the helmet had wire-like antennas sticking out of the back and a chain-mail fabric at the waistline. Where had it come from?

But I digress, Joshua was on the ground, I think (curse you, stupid vizor). "It's over, Joshy-boy," Cyrena belted, her voice cracking slightly. Before she could deliver the kill blow, I jumped in front of Joshua, using my keyblade to deflect the attack. "This isn't over until I say it's over," I said, my voice sounding warped by the helmet. From what I could see through the vizor (which isn't much), my foe had an evil smirk drawn on her face. "You really don't wanna live do you, Queen of Dreams?"

"My master wants you gone, anyway. So I guess it doesn't matter." Wait! Xehanort wants me dead? As if she had heard my thoughts, Cyrena responded in a merciless voice. "My part of our deal was to find a keyblade wielder who lived in this world and destroy them. Unfortunately, he didn't know who this wielder was, as they hadn't awakened yet. That's why he created that illusion you saw, to find that person. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was you.

Rage filled me, but I knew I had to keep Cyrena talking. As long as she talked, she couldn't attack, buying enough time for Joshua's strength to return. So I asked the question, "Why would Xehanort want me out of the picture?" Cyrena stared at me, her eyes pools of pure amber. "He wants you dead because of your gift," she stated severely. "This 'Foresight' as you call it."

"It enables you to plan based on a form of enhanced vision. You could come way too close to finding out his weaknesses and he doesn't want that. That's why I have to destroy you here!" Darkness radiated off of Cyrena; she was getting ready to attack. This was exactly what I wanted. With a blast of dark energy, she knocked me to the ground.

My helmet had come off on impact, which was good because I could see better. "Was this part of your plan?!" Cyrena was standing over me, ready to strike again. Trying to look in pain, my expression quickly changed to a playful smile. "Actually, it is. Get her, Joshua!" By now, my boyfriend was fully awake and used his powers to knock her unconscious.

"Nice work!"

Slowly, I nudged the unconscious villainess with my foot. Really, I could tell she wasn't dead. Who knows when she would come to. "Aislynn," Joshua insisted. "You don't have to help me with this. It's me that Cyrena wants." I sighed at how clueless he was about being about this. Grabbing his shoulders, I started shaking him. "Actually, the two of us are in this together. Cyrena is trying to destroy me, too."

My love shook his head, his lavender eyes looking quite sad. "I'm not as strong in this world and you can't last in a fight with her. Face it, Aislynn, we are fighting a losing battle." To be frank, he did have a point. Even with my armor to protect me, I still was no match for Cyrena. Plus, Joshua was right about his power. He looked like he could pass out any second now. But we still had to try. It's just like I said, it's not over until I say it's over.

Then, it hit me like an avalanche. "We should make a pact, I stated. Yes, I realize that I'm not an actual player, but neither were Sora and Riku, and they still managed to help these guys get back to their world. Now, that responsibility has been passed on to another keyblade wielder, and I have to do this. But apart of me was speaking from my heart. I love Joshua and I don't want him to get hurt. That's why I wanted to make a pact with him.

"You can't do that, Aislynn," Joshua firmly stated. "You're not a player!" Crossing my arms, I made my argument, hoping it was convincing. "You're the most powerful person in the game, Joshua. You can do whatever you want." I took his hands in mine, knowing very well that my armor kept me from feeling their softness. "Plus, I love you. I don't want to see you hurt. Please, Joshua. This may be the only way we can defeat Cyrena."

"I love you, too," he said. "And if it will help us defeat Cyrena, I accept the offer." A strange light show appeared around us. Curious, I asked him, "What was that about?" A smile appeared on the face of my love, but it quickly faded back into a bored expression. "The pact has been made," he proclaimed. "You and I are partners now." I was thrilled because for the first time in a very long time, I had actually let my heart decide.

Unfortunately, that happy moment was short lived. Cyrena, who I thought was still unconscious, was slowly getting up. "Aaaawww, how sweet," she mocked. "The Composer and the Keyblade's chosen one. It's a match made in heaven. Seriously, do you really think making a pact will save you?! Foolish girl! How about we make things a little more interesting."

With a snap of her fingers, Cyrena had summoned a horde of Heartless. Of course, I had expected this. The bad guys never play fair. To make matters worse, they were all Boss Heartless. Pact or no pact, there was no way me and Joshua could take down Cyrena and the Heartless at the same time. But, just when it seemed like all hope was gone, another idea struck.

One pact may not be strong enough for this task, but how about three? I explained my plan to Joshua, who pointed out the one obvious flaw: all of the other members of our team were KO'd and I didn't have enough potions for all of them. Luckily, there was an easy solution to that problem. "Heal!" Using a cure spell, I managed to revive the other members of the team.

Neku jumped out of the tree he'd landed in earlier. "What happened?" I quickly explained that Joshua and were partners now and that Cyrena had summoned a horde of Heartless to make things harder. Shiki asked me, "What are you wearing?" I laughed. "It's keyblade armor. I don't know how it got here, but that doesn't matter. We have to stop Cyrena now!"

"Come on, Queen of Dreams," The psychotic girl said. "I'm getting bored. Just fight me already!" Regardless, I was so ready for this. "Alright, Cyrena," I declared, trying to keep my voice level. "It's time you learned not to mess with the Dream Team!"

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