Chapter 14: Foresight and Bojitsu 💜

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Squeaky paid me a visit the next morning. After I made my bed, I gave him a few scratches on the back of his neck (he loves that). Purring loudly, he rubbed his head on my hand. "Alright, Squeaky. I have to get ready." I blew him a kiss as I reached the door. "You be good today."

Monday is definitely the worst day of the week. The weekend is over and school starts up again. No one in my class likes Mondays. I tolerate them, but I still don't like them. So much happened that I can barely put it all into words, but I'll try to summarize it to the best of my ability. Neku had his headphones confiscated... again. Beat got in-school suspension for punching a kid after being called by his real name. The guidance counselor reminded all students about the upcoming Homecoming Dance in the morning announcements.

Homecoming. I had completely forgotten about that. With trying to help my friends get back to their world, all of the recent Heartless attacks, Joshua asking me out and all of my training sessions, I'd been finding it really hard to attend social events. Still, I really wanted to go to the Homecoming Dance. I thought it would be good for the Dream Team to attend social events. That way, we would have the tiniest shred of normalcy in a world that expec

Later that day, when we were having a discussion at Dream Team HQ, I threw in the fact about the Homecoming Dance. "Sounds like fun, yo!" Beat shouted out. "But what will we do for threads?" He was right: I hadn't thought about that issue. I couldn't buy six different outfits for Homecoming. It would demolish my mom's bank account. That's when the idea came to me.

"Shiki," I began, "I want you to make us six outfits for Homecoming." Shiki gave me a nervous look. "I don't think I could." When I asked why, she sort of shrunk in and became someone I didn't even recognize. "I didn't design this outfit," she mumbled. "My best friend, Eri, did. She's the genius behind it." Shaken by this revelation, I shrugged it off. "It's alright, Shiki. I'll design the outfits."

Rhyme suddenly stood up. "I can't go," she whimpered. "I'm not in high school yet." In that moment, I remembered some key details about the dance. There were guest pass sheets, but only people attending high school were allowed in or you at least had to be in college. No middle schoolers aloud! "You can have a party with Noah," I said. "It could be your own anti-homecoming party!" Rhyme looked sad as she sat back down. "I don't want to. Noah's kind of mean."

"Noah may be mean sometimes, but trust me. He has good intentions for everything he does." When I was finished, Joshua put his hand on my shoulder. "Aislynn," he said with a smile, "Don't you think it's time to resume your training?" Confused, I asked why.

"To help with your foresight, of course."

Meaning was lost. "Your flashes of intuition," Joshua explained. "If you learned how to control them, they would be really useful." I wasn't really sure, but I accepted.


"Aislynn, try it."

"Alright. Foresight!"

Images flashed through my mind and I saw which moves he would make next. With this in mind, I was able to swiftly counter with my keyblade. Joshua was flat on his back faster than you can say "pinned".

"Wow," he said. "I was right, that is useful." My real laugh came out again; I hate that. "You okay?" I asked him. Joshua got up with some difficulty. "Yes," he said. "I'm just glad you didn't damage anything important." This made me happy.

As we left the training room, I asked Joshua why he had named my new skill "Foresight". He explained that he called it that because it lets me see possible outcomes and come up with a plan based on them. "When you use it," he said to me, "I don't actually believe you're seeing the future." Confused, I asked him why he thought that. "Last night, you said you saw a bunch of Heartless lurking on the trail," he reminded me. I shuttered at the memory; me and Joshua barely made it out of that mess. He continued, "It's because of this, I believe that Foresight is some kind of enhanced vision and not true clairvoyance."

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