Chapter 12: School Can be Fun 💜

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It was August. School would be starting towards the end of the month and I was so ready for it. New school supplies had been collected and my summer job had ended. I had packed a bag with several Hi-potions in case if there was a surprise Heartless attack at the High School.

How is my Keyblade training going? Sucky! Really sucky! When it comes to spells, I'm a scatter shot. My aim is so bad that I hit everything but the target. For some reason, I can do backflips perfectly and I have bizarre joints in my elbows (I do NOT recommend that!) Plus, I still can't figure out what that vision that helped me save Rhyme was about.

But, because school was starting, I had to keep my identity as a keyblade wielder a secret. The people of my world weren't ready to know the truth. So, Aislynn the hero would have to be benched for a while. Once again, I would have to be Aislynn the invisible girl... and that's the way I like it. I liked that no one bothered me because I didn't talk much. But, little did I know that this year would be different.

That morning, before my dad drove me and my brother to school, I went to check on the rest of the Dream Team. Joshua opened the door before I could even knock. I was really confused. "Someone's up early," I said, "What's the occasion?" Joshua cocked his head to the side and I noticed that he had been trying to tame his wavy hair to no avail. "We're going to school with you." Wait. What did he just say? I thought.

Rhyme was the first to greet us inside. She wasn't wearing her hat and, instead of her usual clothes, wore a beautiful yellow dress that brought out her blond hair. She still wore her bell pendent around her neck. "Hi, Aislynn," she said. "Everyone's ready to go."

"Aislynn!" Shiki had come out from her living quarters. She looked beautiful in a pink blousy shirt and red jeans. Over her shoulder was a brown bag with Mr. Mew inside. "You can't take Mr. Mew to school with you," I started. "You'll get in trouble." Shiki put her hands on her hips, a pout drawn on her face. "I need him to help me fight. Plus, he has a lot of sentimental value." I knew I had been beaten. "Fine," I said in defeat. "Take him. But keep him in your locker."

"Morning, Neku dear," Joshua called as Neku entered the room. When I got a look at what Neku was wearing, I couldn't help but ask... why. His clothes had this absence of color, with pencil-thin jeans and a muted-blue t-shirt. The only real pops of color came from the pins he'd attached to his shirt. At first, I thought Neku had overslept because his blue eyes were lined with black, but then, I had a different thought. I asked the question, "Are you wearing... eyeliner?" He slowly nodded.

"I need coffee," Neku said as he swung a bag over his shoulder (which was covered with more pins). In response, Joshua took out his orange flip phone. "If Mr. H were here, that would be an easy request." Intrigue got the best of me, as usual. "Who's Mr. H?" Joshua's gaze left his phone and focused on me. "He's a friend of mine," he responded. "He runs a café back in Shibuya." In that moment, I saw Joshua soften a tiny bit, his eyes a pair of mystical lavender lights. "Speaking of coffee," he asked, "Would you like some?" I don't drink coffee, so I tried to convey my message in the nicest way possible.

"Yo, what time is it?" Beat's voice rang from the hallway. In a matter of seconds, he was in the main room. He was wearing pants with chains all over them and the t-shirt with The Punisher's logo painted on it. Today, I noticed something about Beat that I never had before... he's blonde. His skull hat usually covers most of his hair, except for a few strands that hang out the back. But today, Beat didn't have his hat on and one could see that his hair is the same shade of blond as Rhyme's.

"Oh... my," I started. Beat crossed his arms. "Don't even," he angrily said. "I know I'm blond. There's no need to rub it in." We all started laughing, even Beat started laughing. What's weird is, I don't even remember what we were laughing about. Finally, when I got myself under control, I answered the question. "It's seven o'clock right now," I said. "We should get to school on time... if Noah doesn't oversleep."

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