Author's Note

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Thank you to everyone who's been reading since the beginning. It means a lot to me that there are people who know the process my thoughts have gone through, the way my stories fit together, and the dedication I've put into them (even if I posted all of these in one night). I truly love writing and I hope I can inspire other people with my stories.

A special thank you to Mori for this. She knows who she is. I won't tag her. Anyway, she put up with all of my gruesome illustrations and she braved through all the crazy schemes I ranted about despite not knowing a single word I was talking about. She is also a wonderful Vietnamese teacher. Despite not knowing how to spell anything. But that's beside the point. I love her anyway. 

Thank you for braving this entire series! It was pretty long. It was definitely a lot of information, most of it fabricated over the course of one year. Now's the time to say goodbye to Ketro, Felicity, Magma Man, Lava Lad, Friday, Jax, our beloved Hixtel, and the rest of the cast. I'll miss them. I hope you will too. 

Until the next battle. 

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