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Sam now knew all there was to know about everything Lex knew. Like how she had the oldest spirit to ever walk the realm living inside of her. She also learned that Esree was not just the witch that saved her from death, but was known in all worlds to be the strongest sorcerous to walk the earth. 

Sam realized that she needed to know everything about her past to know how to overcome her future and therefore did not stop Lex when she spoke of that horrible day. The day is known as, "The Day of Slaughter', in the spiritual realm. Never in the history of wolf kind has such massacre ever occurred. It was only hours later that Sam realized they were still locked within the small room.

"Esree?" she called out as she stood by the door, nocking softly. "Can I come out now?" She asked almost teasingly. The door swung open and a disheveled Esree stood there, tears brimming in her puffy red eyes. Her nose was n bright red and her hair stood in a crazy mess. Her usually stylish and elegant clothes were replaces with baggy pants and an oversized jacket. She was wearing two different colored socks and Sam realized that every piece of clothing belonged to her. Without warning, Esree jumped forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Sam, sobbing loudly and apologizing for locking her up.

"Shh Esree, I'm alright now. If you take a look at the room you'll feel better that you locked me up instead." Esree lifted her head and peered into the destroyed room. With a loud gasp, she pushed past Sam and rushed into the room.

"Samantha, what happened?" she asked looking at her with wide eyes.

"I met my wolf. Name's Lex." Esree stood, mouth agape, looking at Sam through different eyes.

"May...may I meet her?" She asked slightly hesitant. Sam smiled softly and nodded before calling Lex to the surface.

Her amber eyes changed into golden orbs and her teeth sharpened slightly, the angles of her face became sharper and her golden hair was invaded by streaks of silver. Her ears became sharper and her body stretched a few inches taller and her nails turned into claws.

Esree stood flabbergasted as Sam changed in front of her very eyes and became a strange mixture of Sam and Lex.

"Hello, Esree. I'm so glad I can finally meet the one that saved my other half. Lex stepped forward and out of instinct Esree stepped back. "You must not fear me young one. I am here as a friend to you and to complete Samantha. You needn't worry, I could never harm you." Those words seemed to calm Esree down and Lex took another step forward. This time Esree extended her hand and Lex shook it firmly.

"You called me young one, but you were born the day Sam was if I am correct?" She asked confused then frowned when Lex smiled knowingly at her.

"I was born 700 years ago today, for the purpose of being Sam's second half. And as I told Sam I have waited for her."

Esree nodded understandingly and waived her hand over her head. With a soft enchantment, the room started repairing itself, but Lex did not yet give control back to Sam. Instead she studied Esree as she commanded the objects with her hands and said the enchantment repeatedly as she worked.

"Esree?" she asked and she topped and turned to her.

"Yes.. um. Lex?" She asked hesitantly stopping her work and turning to her.

"Would you teach us your art?" Esree stood astounded and stared at this strange being that looks like Sam but also does not. Instead of speaking she nodded then turned back to the room, but before she could say anything she heard the soft whisper of her enchantment coming from behind her. Once again the objects in front of her started moving and finding their places in the room. Not wanting to be left without anything to do Esree whispered her enchantment and together they worked to fix the room. It took them no longer than ten minutes before the room was complete. Before Esree could ask Lex any questions she gave control back to Sam.

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