And The Battle Begins

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Sam walked back to her apartment, her mind almost numb, but her senses on high alert. The moment she closed the door to Esrees home a strong scent attacked her. She knew the smell all too well. Nick was following her and his wolf was very eager to get his mate, but both Sam and Lex knew it could not happen now.

As she turned down an ally, a shortcut to her apartment, something dark passed overhead. She looked up but the skies were clear. Not even a shadow moved as she concentrated into the dark. Lex pushed through and Sam was surprised to see the night in a completely different light. It was almost like she was looking through a heat signature camera. She saw something crawling against the wall and Lex shifted into their half form. The creature had pitch black bat like wings, teeth that protruded from a wide mouth, an anorexic body with claws like long knives.

Its eyes were pitch black and filled with hunger as it launched at them. Lex sidestepped and slashed at the demon cutting into its wing. The beast screeched and swung around, claws extended for a killer blow, but Lex saw it coming and dodged. Her tail swung around her body and she kicked out to the demon who dodged the attack. It crawled back up the wall before launching itself at Lex again. This time Lex dodged low kicking her leg up and the demon flew head first into her leg. The demon was sent flying into the wall, causing the wall to crack. Lex took up a defensive position as the demon stumbled back to its feet. With unexpected lighting speed the beast dashed forward and struck Lex in the stomach. Dots danced in front of her eyes as the air left her body. She hit the ground with an impressive thud and the earth spun around her. Not being able to breath Lex saw another figure approaching at a deadly speed. She forced her body to respond as she jumped up and out of its way just in time to miss the horns of yet another demon. This creature she recognized however as an incubus. With its leathery wings, large horns and almost human like body. Its blood red eyes bore into hers and its demonic smile sent shivers down her spine.

The incubus and Demon launched at her at the same time and she barely dodged them in time, but she responded fast sending the demon flying down the alley with a kick to the back of skull, and the incubus was pushed up against the wall, his feet dangling in the air as she held him by the throat. He gasped and clawed at her hands, but it was no use. She was pissed and out for blood.

She punched him in the ribs and heard a few break. He coughed and blood dripped from his lip, but he didnt stop smiling. The snarl made her freeze and she turned around slowly. A hell hound stood behind her, snarling and growling. She stood frozen and her heart hammered against her chest. This beast was twice as big as the one She faced in the forest. She dropped the incubus to the ground and turned to face the beast head on. Suddenly the screeching of the demon in the alley caught both of their attention. The beast she saved stood over the now lifeless form of the demon, a wing hanging from its jaw and its one paw digging into his back.

The hound in front of her seemed almost scared but it was hard to tell with the look of death hugging its features. Without warning the beasts launched at each other. Teeth bared and claws extended they attacked with a fury unknown to any other creature. To Lexs surprise another hound came out of nowhere and seemed to be fighting on her side. She turned back to the incubus and saw him staring up at her. His eyes were void of any emotion, but he spoke with venom, blood still dripping from his lip.

Dont get too comfortable little girl. We are only the starter to the war menu you will soon have to face. I. Lex did not allow him to finish as she stepped on his throat, crushing his windpipe in one swift move.

The snarling and growling had stopped and she turned to the hounds who stood victoriously over the enemys corpse. Stepping closer to them Lex allowed herself to take complete control and shifted into her true form. The hounds submitted as a sign of respect and Lex licked the side of their faces as a sign of acceptance. With that she turned to the new beast, but did not turn him back into his formal self, instead she laid down next to him to show that she would be his trusted friend. The hound seemed pleased and raised his head, licking the side of her face in return. He then stood along with the other beast and left.

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