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Cami: Guys I need some sleep

Nat: Tomorrow I got things to do! – Nat y Cami se ríen por quotear la canción de Miley, pero los chicos no entienden el chiste

Louis: Guys we really need to hang out more often. With my girls!

Niall: Definitelly – dice mirando a Cami

Matty: You guys. Did you heard from Harry?

Michael: I think he’s with that girl

Ashton: Really? Hahahah

Nat: Hahahahaha Maybe they stayed at the bar!

Ashton: Or maybe he’s at her house yeah – dice y los demas chicos comienzan a gritar

Cami: Guys. Our friend is not like that

Nat: We called Harry. Not her. She doesn’t even wanted to go out with him!

Zayn: Really?

Louis: Hahahaha poor Harry

Cami: Is not like that

Niall: She’s a fan. I understand her. She’s like… well I’m sure this is like a dream come true for her

Nat: And for us but guys I’m so high right now – Louis se ríe – That I don’t even know where we are

Louis: We’re in London! And we’re 3/5 of One Direction!

Nat: Hahahaha

Michael: Guys is 6.30 a.m. we should go back to our houses! I have to wake up early tomorrow

Niall: We should be awake already

Zayn: Guys. That’s for the chicken. I’m so full!!! – Los chicos vuelven a reir.

Louis: Ok girls – les da un abrazo a cada una – You already have my pone. Call me so we can hang out soon. Maybe we can include Liam next time

Nat: Please!

Cami: It was really fun guys! We love you!

Nat: WOOHOOO! - Suben a las chicas a un taxi y ellos se suben a otro.


Harry toma un taxi de vuelta a su casa y se descarga el cd de The Vamps. Busca la canción que Dai le dijo y la escucha una y otra vez… “ I got your photograph but baby I need more than that. I need to know your lips. Nothing ever mattered to me more than this”

Al llegar a su casa, se tira en la cama y recibe un mensaje de Alexa

“I missed you babe. Where were you all day?”

No lo responde. No sabe qué hacer con Dai. No hay dudas de que le gusta y que la pasaron muy bien, pero… Estará dispuesta a una segunda cita? No quiere dejar a Alexa sin estar seguro de que las cosas con Dai van a funcionar. No quiere quedarse sin el pan y sin la torta…

Despierta a la mañana siguiente con un mensaje de Liam

“You have to seen this” y una foto adjunta de él y Dai de la mano entrando en el Irish Pub…

Harry: SHIT! – Enseguida llama a Liam – Where did you get that?

Liam: There are a lot of pictures. All over the internet

Harry: Fuck!

Liam: Did Alexa say anything?

Harry: Not yet…

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