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Las chicas bailan por unos segundos y Niall se acerca y comienza a aplaudir las chicas se ríen y Cami dice

Cami: I always told them if you see us dance you will love us

Niall: We love you. I bet all the fans are so cool

Dai: Yeah

Nat: But we’re better

Niall: Of course

Nat: So we’re leaving next Monday

Niall: Oh

Nat: Are you coming?

Niall: I think I’m gonna go. Yeah.

Nat: Great

Dai: Harry and I, we’re going to Paris and the next day, we’re going to Ibiza with you

Nat: Awesome… - Los chicos se acercan con el helado y las chicas sacan todas las cosas para agregarle al helado

Harry: So, when are we going to get the tickets for the trip?

Louis: Liam is going to do all that

Harry: Liam is coming?

Louis: Of course! Haha

Harry: Oh.

Dai: It’s ok – dice tocándole la pierna y dándole una copa con dos bochas de helado de chocolate y una de helado de malvavisco

Harry: We have to buy tickets to go to Paris and then to Ibiza, so we don’t need him to get our tickets…

Louis: Cool

Harry: So guys, tomorrow we’re starting rehearsals, how is that we’re going to Ibiza?

Louis: HARRY HARRY HARRY… We got everything set up! Maybe you should go to talk to Simon tomorrow

Harry: Why?

Louis: You will see – Louis le quita a Dai de la mano la copa de helado que está sirviendo y le pone salsa de chocolate encima. Dai se queda pensando en lo de la charla con Simon… Será por su culpa?

Ashton: I want more chocolate

Dai: Ok – Dai le sirve mas helado a Ashton y Zayn comienza a comer del pote de helado – Guys! Come on

Niall: You’re too slow

Dai: Fuck you

Ashton: Hahaha Nat can you pass me the nuts?

Nat: Sure – algunos están sentados sobre la mesada de la cocina, otros sobre la isla, otros parados. Todos comiendo en silencio.

Zayn: Wait why don’t we take a selfie together?


Louis: Come on, with Niall’s Instagram

Niall: Sure – saca su Iphone y todos se ponen detrás de Dai, que es la que tiene el pote de helado. Sonríe y suben la foto

Dai: Tag me

Cami: Me too

Nat: And me

Dai: Awww remember that picture Niall upload of Harry and Ashton?

Nat: I remember we almost die

Dai: It was so cute – dice dándole un beso a Harry – después del helado, los chicos vuelven a sus casas y Dai vuelve a la de Harry, tienen mucho de que hablar ?)

Harry: So, now you can tell me

Dai: About the sex?

Harry: Yeah

Dai: Well. Definitely is not that I don’t wanna be with you, is like, I don’tknow if there is life after you Harry – Harry mira a Dai confundido – I don’t know if after you I can kiss another boy or have sex with another boy cause

Harry: Oh come on. You’re overacting

Dai: I’m not – Dai comienza a llorar – Cause I’ve always think you on a way and after the concert I realize you actually were all I ever wanted you to be, and after meeting you I realize you were even better and after kissing you I find out you are perfect and after tasting perfection I think I will never, well nothing will be good enough after you. Is like Katy Perry’s song. Comparassion are easyli donne once you had a taste of perfection! – Harry se acerca a Dai y le sec alas lágrimas con las manos.

Harry: I will wait what it takes to be with you -. 

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