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Despues de una mañana agitada, Cami tiene unos cuantos planteos para con Louis

Cami: I kinda know I'm nothing to you, but seeing you acting like you don't care

Louis: Can we have this conversation later honey? - dice apoyando su mano en el brazo de Cami

Cami: no! - dice sacandole el brazo de encima

Louis: I do care about you, is just that we're together, but we're not married you know? I just wanna have fun. We're having fun together. We both know is not gonna last forever. You leave in two weeks - Cami lo mira y niega con la cabeza

Cami: Of course! For a moment a forgot I was with the king of fun - se levanta de la cama y poniendose su vestido dice - The fun is over Louis! - y se va.

Louis POV:

Ok maybe she overacted and I just screwed it up. I watched her leave the room and lay on bed for like two seconds and the run after her

Louis: Cami! Come on

Cami: What? - she says. Looks confused and overwhelmed

Louis: I'm sorry I'm still a little bit drunk - which is true - Maybe I shouldn't do that but you should know this is how I am. None of those bullshit that you see in magazines! My fav color is not blue and I love to get drunk and fuck random girls, and I won't change who I am cause I may be dissapointing people, but this time was different. I do care about you. this time is different cause I liked a fan who putt me on a throne and now I don't know how to keep it up! - she look at me sad. Maybe she doesn't like it what I'm saying but this is the truth.

Cami: I'm sorry, I'm not tryin to change who you are I just don't know you

Louis: I know! You knew a different Louis but this is who I am

Cami: I just don't know if I'm ready to shared you

Louis: Is all I can offer for now. We're havig a good time, right? - I walk to her and took her by the hand - that's what I was trying to say. And with time maybe we can settle down

Cami: I don't know if I'm ready for you Louis. you're even better than I expected. You're real, you're not just my idol, you are my boy now and is so hard

Louis: I know and I'm sorry about last night. i can't help myself! is how I roll. look, if we keep this thing we'll be exclusives, ok? no more ramdom girls, no more preacher thing - she smiles - I promise.

Cami: I don't know

Louis: Come on! I'm on sale! Take it or leave it

Cami: Ahahahaja ok ok! I'll take it

Louis: YES! -. She hug me and the kiss me

Louis: Can we go back to bed? You still owed me that blowjob! - she punch me again and we go back to the room.

Dai sigue durmiendo y Harry le acaricia el pelo. Suspira. No puede creer lo importante que es para el. El poco tiempo que llevan juntos y todo lo que vivieron... Dai despierta y en un bostezo dice

Dai: Morning - Harry le da un beso en los labios y responde

Harry: Morning!

Dai: Did you sleep well

Harry: Yeah, you?

Dai: Me too! - Harry se levanta

Harry: Get dressed, let's go to have breakfast

Dai: Harry!

Harry: Yeah?

Dai: I wanna stay and go with you to Australia! - Harry abre los ojos grandes y esboza una gran sonrisa

Harry: Really?

Dai: Anything to stay longer with you

Harry: What about the whole tour? I mean, we go back to Argentina in November

Dai: Ahahaha no! Is too much time.

Harry: Ok - vuelve a besarla - hurry. I'm starving! - Dai busca ropa para cambiarse y Harry se le acerca por detras y rodeandola por la cintura le dice

Harry: What makes you change your mind?

Dai: Am... I don't know. I don't think I ever wanna spend a day without you after these weeks - Harry sonrie - sometime I wanna go and don't see you never more cause I know there won't be life for me after you. I wanna get rid of this feeling cause is too heavy. It doesn't even fit in my heart

Harry: What?

Dai: My love for you - Los ojos de Harry se llenan de lagrimas

Harry: And some other times?

Dai: I wanna spend the most of the time with you and don't look back or forward. Just wanna enjoy the present - Harry abraza a Dai y le besa la frente

Harry: Let's go! -. Es cierto. Despues de pasar un mes con Harry, siendo tan el, tan Estilos, tan tierno, tan celoso, tan hermoso, tan gede, nada de lo que le pueda pasar a Dai en su vida se va a parecer a esto. JAMAS. Nunca va a poder superar esto en ningun sentido. Pensar en que va a pasar despues, la deprime, pero tampoco quiere estar mal con el. quiere aprovechar lo que le esta pasando pero tampoco irse de tema, no puede seguir viviendo este cuento, por lo que vendra... Tiene que ir soltandolo de a poco, sino la caida va a ser muy dura. De verlo todos los dias, a no verlo nunca, de ser suya, a que la vuelva a ignorar en todas las redes sociales... No va a ser por el resto de su vida la novia de Harry Styles, aunque amaria ponerlo en su Cv...

Bajan a desayunar y se encuentran con todos. Las caras de Zayn, Liam y Niall NO TIENEN PRECIO. Nat y Dai se sacan selfies con los chicos dormidos en la mesa y obvio Louis y Ash se suman jaja. Despues del desayuno, van a la pileta del hotel y los chicos se vuelven locos al ver a las chicas en bikini

Harry: Ooooh baby

Dai: Ahahaha what? You already saw me naked

Harry: But this is different

Dai: Why?

Harry: Cause everybody can see who am I with

Dai: Ahahaha how is that?

Harry: Oh i just wanna show you up to all of my friends

Dai: AHAHAHA shut up - dice sentandose en su regazo. Muchas fans se acercan a sacarse fotos con los chicos. Liam, Zayn y Niall estan dormidos en sus reposeras con anteojos de sol, las chicas les ponen protector solar para que no se lastimen con el sol. Y Louis y Harry se sacan fotos con las fans

Cami: This is so awkward

Louis: What?

Cami: All this girls here seeing you on your shorts

Louis: Aaaaaw my girl is jealous

Ashton: Awwww - Louis le echa una mirada a Ashton y Ashton mira hacia otro lado

Nat: What?

Ash: What?

Nat: Nothing. You look weird - A Ashton le gusta Cami???

Ash: I feel sick.

Nat: You want some juice?

Ash: Maybe is the sun. I'm gonna go back to the room and sleep a little bit more

Nat: You want me to go with you?

Ash: No, no stay here! Have fun - Ash se aleja y Louis lo sigue con la mirada.

Louis se acerca a Harry

Louis: Can we talk? - mira a Dai - Alone

Dai: fuck you - Louis fuerza una sonrisa y Dai se va

Harry: What happened?

Louis: First I wanna apologize for last night. I was an asa

Harry: Haha it would be fun if we were actually single

Louis: And second I need your help

Harry: What? What is it?

Louis: I think I'm in love with Cami!

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