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Dai: Wow! I mean I knew it. Kinda knew it. So that feels good, or...

Harry: Definitely good! I mean is good but i weird - Dai mira a Harry soriendo

Dai: Don't let me to stop you from doing things and

Harry: Nonono haha I... I don't want this to end cause that means we're not gonna be together for a long time! - Dai se pone seria

Dai: About that Harry... Did you take a moment to think about it?

Harry: What do you mean?

Dai: Well, is kinda obvious "us" is about to end...

Harry: Why?

Dai: Cause you're going on tour and I'm going home

Harry: Because you don't wanna come with me

Dai: Because I can! I have a life! I can just go around te world with you and don't take care of my jon. The day you left me I habe nothing!

Harry: What makes you think that I will leave you?

Dai: Well, there are a lot of beautiful girls that you nay wanna know and

Harry: Can we just talk about something else?

Dai: You're avoiding me and this thing but is getting closer Harry and

Harry: Let's just enjoy the moment, right? -.

Dai se cruza de brazos y mira hacia la ventana. Harry resopla y dice

Harry: You're ruining our trip! Why don't we just keep - Dai lo interrumpe

Dai: Because is different for you! I left and then if you don't see me again, fine, you will find another gurl that loves you and admires you because you have billions of them but to me is different. There's only one Harry Styles and I have to leave him behind cause I have to go back to the real life! - Harry se queda mirandola sin decir nada

Harry: There's only one Harry, but understand that there's only one Dai too! Noone will fill your shoes. Nobody will take your place cause you, you make me a better harry in all the ways you can imagine. Noone ever made me feel this way and maybe one day, we broke up, or time tear us apart, but I will always remember you, not just as my biggest fan, but as my love! As my best vacations, my greatest adventures, my pain in the ass, my hardest kiss - Dai se rie - my hardest girl to take to bed! So please don't make this any harder, there's nothing that I wanna change, except for what's coming. Let's just enjoy the moment. We have long to go till the goodbye. Ok? - Dai asiente con la cabeza y sonrie.


Nat: I love your house and everybody here

Ash: yeah?

Nat: yeah

Ash: my mum is a little bit...

Nat: Is fine, i get it!

Ash: anyway. Why don't we go to the beach? Please

Nat: i dont like it

Asj: come on! At least at the pool

Nat: ok, I'll go to the pool...


Cami: But are you going to be with us?

Louis: Actually no. I mean we have our room together, but on rehearsals, soundcheck, meet&greets, interviews and things you're alone

Cami: ok

Louis: but we have some days off so we can go out and have fun

Cami: ok... - Cami se queda pensando por unos minutos y dice - can we have a meet and greet?

Louis: Ahahaha you want a meet and greet with your friends?

Cami: yes! I want a picture kissing you and the guys acting like oh my god

Louis: ajajaja then you asked me why i love you - Louis besa a Cami en la boca y ella se recuesta en el hombro de Louis.

Los chicos finalmente llegan al aeropuerto lleno de paparazzis y suben enseguida al avion. Dai, Harry y Niall se sientan juntos, Louis, Zayn y Cami en otros asientos y Liam con Sofia y su amigo Andy que cabe destacar que esta benisimo.

Al llegar a Australia (despues de un viaje bastante largo) lls vuelven a separar en otras vans y esta vez, Cami, Dai y Sofia van juntas y los chicos separados en otras dos vans.

Sophia: So how was the trip?

Dai: I could barelly sleep

Sophia: Yeah, me neither

Cami: It was aweful...

Sophia: Have you been here before? - las chicas niegan con la cabeza

Sophia: You gonna love it!

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