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Dai: You will?

Harry: Sure. I love Paris

Dai: Ok, I already got my ticket, we just have to see if you can travel that day

Harry: Have to be this week, cause, well we’re starting rehearsals

Dai: I know… - Harry abraza a Dai. Es un abrazo que nunca había sentido de esta forma

Harry: I know is been less tan a week, but it was more than  I ever expected from a fan. You definitely are special and different. I can’t find the words to describe what I feel for you, you make me a better person. I like it when you’re with me, I like you and I like myself – Day apoya ambas manos en las mejillas de Harry y sonríe.

Dai: I feel that I can be me when I’m with you. Even I’m weird haha

Harry: Silly – le da un beso en la boca y vuelven al living. Para sorpresa de todos Niall se terminó las pizzas.

Harry: Where is the pizza? – Los chicos comienzan a reirse

Louis: Come on Harry

Harry: Come on. I didn’t eat not one piece

Niall: Hahaha sorry

Harry: Is not funny

Zayn: Is ok, let’s order another one

Dai: Extra cheese!

Harry: Ok

Niall: Sorry – Dai siempre pensó que Harry no quería mucho a Niall y en estos días no había tenido la posibilidad de verlos mucho juntos, pero cuando los veía notaba este tipo de actitudes de Harry, hacer caras cuando le habla, tratarlo de boludo jaja, anyway.

Dai: Is ok. Don’t worry

Niall: Are you ok?

Dai: I’m fine

Niall: You were crying?

Dai: No haha

Niall: Oh. If you’re hungry come to the kitchen, we can make some sandwichs for you and Harry

Dai: Oh. Sure – Dai va a la cocina con Niall y se divierte hacienda unos sandwichs. Harry se acerca

Harry: I already ordered the pizza

Niall: Great. You want some?

Harry: What is it?

Dai: I made it for you – dice dándole una mitad y Harry la toma en las manos

Harry: Ok – dice y le da un mordizco – Mmm delicious! Niall you’re coming to Ibiza?

Niall: Don’t know anything about the trip. I just landed a few hours ago and Zayn told me to come. Maybe, I don’t know.

Harry: We’re goint to Paris together – dice mirando a Dai y sonriendo

Niall: AAAAAAAAAAW – dice burlándose – So romantic. And then go to Ibiza?

Harry: I think, yeah

Niall: If we all go then I’ll go.

Harry: Cool. And Niall

Niall: Yeah?

Harry: Sorry if lately I’ve been an ass

Niall: Haha it’s ok mate – Niall se aleja y Dai se queda viendo a Harry

Dai: I like you better when you’re a badass

Harry: Hahahaha

Dai: Harry Bad Boy Styles!

Harry: Shut up! Your sandwich is really good

Dai: I know!

Harry: You wanna go to Ibiza?

Dai: It’s ok. I wanted to go if I didn’t know you, to party and get laid but with you next to me, I have all I ever wanted! – Harry besa a Dai en la boca y le pregunta pensativo

Harry: Can I ask you something?

Dai: Sure

Harry: Why you didn’t wanna have sex with me?

Dai: What?

Harry: Are you virgin?

Dai: No

Harry: Oh, then, why?

Dai: If I knew this, I would wait haha

Harry: Hahahaha. Then, why?


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