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Robin y Harry hacen unos cupcakes y mientras se cocinan, Harry se une a ver fotos suyas

Harry: Show her the pictures of the X factor

Dai: Hahaha yeah

Anne: I don’t know where are those

Gemma: Me neither

Harry: You’re lying – el horno suena y van a sacar los cupcakes. Los decoran todos juntos y comen en la cocina…

Dai: Oh my God. These are so good!

Gemma: Yeah! – Anne besa en la boca a Robin

Anne: Delicious


Dai: Hahahaha


Nat y Ash vuelven de Starbucks y después de tomar los cafés, los chicos se van, pero Ash se queda y acompaña a las chicas al supermercado a comprar cosas para toda la semana…

Ashton: I don’t know haha I don’t cook

Cami: Come on! Which one is better?

Nat: We don’t know of brands here, you need to help us. That’s why you’re here

Ashton: Sorry. Mmm this one – dice señalando un paquete de arroz.

Nat: Really?

Ashton: Yeah, yeah. Buy some cereal guys. I’ll come to breakfast every morning

Nat: Hahaha you’re such a baby

Ashton: I am

Cami: Hey why don’t you call Dai and tell him we’re going to Zayn’s?

Nat: Oh, yeah… - Nat marca el teléfono de Dai y Dai contesta enseguida…

Dai: What?

Nat: We’re going to Zayn’s tonight. You have any plans?

Dai: Wait – sube el teléfono – The guys are going to Zayn’s for dinner, are we going to do something else?

Harry: We can go if you want

Dai: Ok, yeah, we’re going

Nat: Cool. See you tonight then

Dai: Yeah – Dai corta el teléfono

Harry: Zayn is going to cook?

Dai: Maybe her mother did lot of food?

Harry: Hahahaha that’s so this is us

Dai: I know haha that chicken looked so good

Harry: Hahaha

Dai: Can I ask you something?

Harry: Sure

Dai: There were a lot of rumors when they found the video of the guys smoking pot

Harry: Oh

Dai: Yeah, it’s true that you were mad?

Harry: I was

Dai: Why?

Harry: Because… Well we can’t be doing those things, what would people think?

Dai: FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK HARRY! Come on. You are what you are and if somebody doesn’t like it, whatever

Harry: Is not that simple. I can’t handle when people talk about me

Dai: Don’t listen.

Harry: I can’t

Dai: I’ll help you. People are mean

Harry: I know

Dai: Are we going to my place or yours?

Harry: Mine, so you can see it

Dai: Cool – los chicos llegan a casa de Harry y es re linda. Aunque está bastante desordenada.

Harry: Sorry for the mess

Dai: You don’t have a maid?

Harry: No

Dai: Oh… I can clean this up

Harry: No. you don’t have to

Dai: I want to. You can make me a sandwich

Harry: Hahaha ok – Harry le prepara a Dai un sandwich de queso, tomate y algunas verduras más y Dai acomoda un poco la casa.

Dai: Is a really nice place and a really good sándwich

Harry: Haha. I’m glad you like it

Dai: Yeah. So, is pretty late, you should take a shower and get change, so you take me home and I take a shower and get change to Zayn’s…

Harry: Only if we can take that shower together – Dai mira a Harry y trata de reprimir una sonrisa.

Dai: Ok – responde sonriendo y Harry se le acerca y le da un beso en la boca.

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