Day 148

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The thing about having gossip to tell your best friends, is that it motivates you to get up and dressed in the morning. It gives you something to look forward to in the day. That's exactly how I woke up for school Monday morning, desperate to spill the details of my romantic Valentines night with Paul to Kat and Flo.

I basically raced out of the house once I was ready and went to meet the girls in our usual spot behind the houses in front of school. We stand there in the morning to have a quick, sneaky cigarette where no teachers could spot us. When I get there, out of breath and sweating a little, the girls look at me like I've got two heads.

'Hey, sorry I thought I was going to be late. I need to tell you guys something' I mutter whilst attempting to get my breath back. I smile as the thought of Valentines day comes back into my head. Kat clearly see this and a smirk appears on her face instantly.

'No way, little miss virgin Mary is no more then I see?' She giggles as my face turns bright red.

'WHAT?? YOU HAD SEX WITH PAUL?? YOUVE BEEN WITH HIM WHAT LIKE 2 MINUTES!!' Flo looks like she's about to pop a blood vessel in her neck, so I put my arm on her shoulder to calm her down. Oh Flo, always the worrying mother of the group.

'Okay, I've been with him just a little longer than that Flo. Plus, I love him okay? Is that such a crime?'

'No but you know what is a crime, not telling a girl when you've got an STD! Did you check with him beforehand. OMG PAIGE! WHAT IF YOU'VE GOT AIDS OF GHONNORIAH!' Flo practically screams at me while me and Kat almost wet ourselves laughing.

'Flo! Will you calm down, I'm pretty sure if he had anything I would have found out about it by now! Plus, we used a condom genius' I laugh, knocking on her head gently to emphasise my point.

She pushes my hand off and snarls at me and Kat, before her face lightens a little. I'm assuming she has realised how ridiculous she is being because the next thing I know she looks a little giddy.

'Fine, i'll stop worrying. So how was it?'

I blush as once again, the images of that night come clear in my mind. It was slow, gentle, but full of passion and love at the same time. He was careful not to hurt me and would stop every now and again to make sure that I was okay. Every thoughtful thing he did during, just made the experience feel 10X better. Just when I am about to confess all the juicy details, an arm wraps itself around my shoulder and I find a very amused look Will on the other end of it.

'I hear Virgin Paige is no more! Look at our little girl growing up' he laughs, pretending to wipe a tear away from his eyes. I shove his arm off me and laugh a long with him.

'How the hell did you know?' I ask, suddenly realising that I hadn't told anyone, unless he heard me talking to Kat and Flo.

'Paul told Jay, who then proceeded to tell me. Practically half the town knows by now. I'm surprised no one has spoken to you about it' he looks shocked for a minute, but then it is quickly replaced by more amusement.

'So how was it? Did he do well? Did he have a big...' I put my hand over his mouth quickly, narrowing my eyes at him.

'Okay! I am not having this conversation with you!' I laugh as he wraps his arm around me again, this time pulling me in for a hug.

'Sorry, I'm just happy for you. If not a little jealous that Paul got to you before anyone else could' he whispered the last part in my ear before pulling away and winking, his playful side showing clear as day. The last comment shocked me a little, but knowing Will this was typical behaviour.

I push him away slightly as he makes his way towards the school building, with us following close behind. Kat and Flo both giving me WTF looks but I just shrug at them, making my way towards school before the bell rings.

'Oh and ladies, you are also invited to join me at a party happening this weekend. I'll text you the address. And you.' Will stops and look at me with a mischievous grin on his face.

'If you find yourself wanting fun with someone else, you know, to find out what you're missing. Just give me a call cutie' he winks at me. If this had been anyone else than it would have seriously creeped me out. But this is Will we are talking about, this is what he is like with everyone. So, I just laugh and push him towards the school doors, brushing off his comment.

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