Chapter 8: Game Plan

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        After I had explained my discovery to everyone, Stiles was the first one to speculate with Lydia following closely behind. "So, what your saying.... is that someone else was controlling the Nogitsune?" Stiles questioned. "Well, based off what I discovered from the Go board and the fly thing, they both strengthen my reason to contemplate the theory." I reply.

        "Okay, so say that your theory proves to be accurate. Who, or more probably what, was controlling the Nogitsune?" Lydia perked up. At that, Stiles goes through his backpack and retrieved his laptop. He then opens it, clicks a few times, and turns the laptop around so we can see what he was going to show us. "Well, after the Darach, I decided to create a database that has info on every bad guy or creature we've come into contact with in the past, and possible suspects to previous supernatural cases. Sorta like my own Bestiary. We can search through the database and narrow the list down to a couple of suspects. Feel free to have a look." Stiles voiced with a yawn. Scott was the first one to reach the computer and start scrolling through the database. "Whoa Stiles! You've been busy! I mean, look at this! Every single supernatural thing we've ever encountered! Peter, the Kanima, the Alpha pack...oh my gosh everything! Wait... and you even got half of the Beacon Hills population in here including us!" he exclaimed. "Well unfortunately, I've got loads of free time on my hands when not dealing with the supernatural." Stiles replied. "Whoa, really? Let me see that!" Derek growled as he snatched the laptop from Scott. Derek's eyes scan over the screen eyes widening in shock. " really have been busy. There's info on a loads of Beacon Hills residents. Even on us! Scott, Kira, Issac, Lydia...wait a minute." he said as he narrows his eyes at the screen.

        "Stiles, why am I labeled as "Number One suspect for anything supernatural. Threat Level: Extreme, Possible Sociopath"? Derek questioned with a cocked eyebrow as he turned to gaze at Stiles. "Oh uh, I put that in there a while ago when I still considered you to be in cahoots with Jennifer after she told you that she was the Darach. I haven't updated it since then. I kinda of forgot about it." Stiles replied with a sheepish shrug and a apologetic smile to match. "Guys! Focus! We need to figure out if Kira's theory could be right or not!" Issac chimed in. "Yeah, Issac is right. What are we gonna do about this? What if there really was someone pulling the strings behind the Nogitsune?" Lydia said warily. "Well as of right now, I don't think that there is anything more we can do at this point without more information on what were up against. I say we just keep our guard up and hope for the best." Stiles said. Everyone murmured in agreement at Stiles idea. "Yeah, that sounds alright. We just have to be a bit more cautious than usual. I think it would be a good idea if we paired up as partners. Always around each other and never alone in case of ambush, kidnap, well basically attack." I say enthusiastically. "That's a perfect idea Kira. Okay, so lets discuss partners. Hmm... hey Stiles, hand me your laptop." Lydia said. Stiles quirked an eyebrow in question but hastily handed her the laptop. She took it and started typing something. After five minutes of complete silence, except for Issac's snoring, who apparently fell asleep, she put the laptop on the table next to the Go board, and twisted it's position making so as everyone could see. Derek nudged Issac and woke him up. Issac looked around bewildered and confused. He relaxed when Lydia started talking.

        "Alright, so I picked partners for everyone according to everyone's strength and weaknesses. I'm going to talk to Deaton later so he can hire some help to watch over Sitles's Dad and Scott's Mom considering they got involved with the supernatural not to long ago. As for us, these are the pairings. Stiles and Derek, Scott and Kira, and Issac and me." she said with an expression that had "I-Dare-You-To-Question-Me" written all over it. I'm with Scott all day and night? Oh crap,crap,crap,crap. As if things wern't already awkward between me and him! I like him to much and I don't want to mess up my chance of getting to hang out with him. I'm always afraid I'll do something stupid when I'm around him. Great, this is just great.

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