Chapter 3: Oh my god, kill me now, please...

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        I look around the isles of the store looking for party streamers. I find a section with multi-colored glittering ones. I looked at each of them carefully deciding to pick blue and green. I walk over to the register counter with my arms full of stuff for the "Two weeks, no supernatural problems celebration party". Scott and Lydia are already at the door, full plastic bags in both hands, waiting patiently for me. Issac was outside of the store looking around at people and eyeing them suspiciously. What the heck is up with him? I wonder.

        I give the stuff I had to the cashier so she could scan it over the price scanner. I paid for it with cash and picked up my own bags and walk out the store with Scott and Lydia leading back to my jeep. Issac see us and walks up beside me and mutters, "Why do you need that much stuff for if it's one party with not that many people?". "Because, we want to make the party worth coming to and celebrating for. We want to make it a memorable night for everyone." I reply.

        We reach the jeep and see Derek leaning against my jeep narrowing his eyes because of the sun's glare. He was dressed in a blue shirt with that stupid leather jacket of his, black jeans, and gray shoes. Man, he does not know how dress good. Scott and Lydia put their bags on the back of the jeep and start to talk to Derek. I tuned out what they were saying and walked around Derek to put my bags in the back as well. I was focused on thinking of ways I could help Derek with his fashion sense. I was standing there unmoving, thinking of what Derek would look good in. Wow...way to live in the moment.

        "Stiles?" I hear as I am snapped out of my thoughts from fingers snapping in my face. "What?" I turn around and look at them who were all looking at me with worried looks. "Sorry, just zoned out for a moment." I said. Everyone's expressions relaxed and Scott lets out a relieved sigh. I guess they are still on guard in case the Nogitsune decides to come back and possess me again. "Alright then. Lets get going before we miss the first part of the movie." Issac breaks the silence saying.

        "Right" everyone muttered around and everyone started to pile into my jeep except Derek who walked over and got into his Camero parked behind me. I get in my jeep and start to drive down the street to the movie theater parking lot to try and find two parking spaces for Derek's and my car. I find parking spaces and honked my horn to signal Derek. We park, get out of our cars, and walk over to the ticket booth stand to buy the tickets.

        After the tickets are bought and every one paid for their own ticket, we walk inside to the concessions stand and buy some snacks. I buy a large tray of nachos and three boxes of Crunch popcorn with a large coke to accompany my eating snacks. Scott buys two extra large bag of popcorn to share among us. Lydia buys a Snicker bar and a water bottle. Issac gets 5 Twix bars and after he bought them, he immediately unwraps one and stuff it into his mouth.

        I glance at Derek who is also buying Crunch popcorn and a medium coke. Wow, I would have never guessed we had something in common involving food. I quickly turn away to avoid awkwardness if he looked up caught me staring at him. Again.

        After everyone piled up on their movie snacks, we hurry to the theater room where the movie was going to play. We walk in and surprisingly, the room is completely empty. Scott laughs and says "To the top guys!" as he runs up the steps and takes a seat in the very top row of seats. Lydia, Issac, and I file in after Scott and, oh shit. Derek sits right next to me. I look around and see that everyone else had already sat down so it was too late to switch seats with anyone.

        I sit down feeling really tensed. Of course anyone would, sitting next to DEREK HALE. The thought didn't make me feel any better. The movie started playing, and an hour later into to the movie, I have to go to the bathroom. I look over and see that if I'm going to get out of the row, I have to pass by Derek, whose legs were so long that it touched the other seat in front of him.

        I get up ,mutter "Excuse me", knowing Derek heard me, and walked past him, having to jump a little to get over his legs. "Where are you going?" Scott asked which made everyone look at me now. "Just going to the bathroom"I say as I continue to walk down the stairs, and walked around the bend of the staircase arm toward the doors. I open the door and walk to the bathroom across from our screening room.

        I walk into the bathroom to find that it's empty and not a single person was in there with him. Man, people must not like watching movies on Tuesday. I walk over to the stand up urinal to do my business. I would usually go into a stall if people were in the bathroom with me cause I am really self-conscious about standing next to a bunch of guys doing their own business.

        Suddenly someone walks in. Crap, whoever it is, please don't stand next to me. I mentally pleaded. I can feel my heart start to beat a little louder in my chest. I look over to see it was Derek who is now leaning against the sink, arms folded, looking at me. "What are you doing?" I ask him as zip my pants up and walk up to the sink to wash my hands. "Scott asked me to come make sure you were okay and not flipping out like you were when the Nogitsune possessed you." he replied casually. "I can't believe you guys still think that the Nogitsune might come back and possess me. We saw him disintegrate. He isn't coming back." I say as I walk over to get a paper towel, our arms brushing past each other, to dry my hands.

        "We rather be safe, than sorry." he replied clearly annoyed. "Uh-huh. Well come on or we will miss the rest of the movie" I say as I walk towards the door. "Stiles, wait." Derek grabs my arm to stop me and says. My heartbeat quickens and that feeling in my stomach returns again, but more intense now. What else would he want to say? I turn to face him and looks at him. I look at his hand which was still grabbing my arm, then back at him twice, hoping he understood the message.

        He quickly lets go if my arm and apologizes smiling at me sheepishly. Now I know somethings up because its very rare when Derek smiles. I liked it when he smiled though. I loved the way his teeth gleamed when he did. His teeth are perfectly white and straight . It was just so...perfect. I realize that I'm staring at him again. Oh crap, right. Back to reality Stiles."What is it Derek? Whats wrong?" I ask concerned.

        "Well, you see..uh..I-I um, have s-s-something to tell you Stiles." he stuttered. Derek stuttering? Derek never, and I mean ever stutters or tumbles over his word. I knew it was something serious. "What is it Derek? You can tell me anything. I'm here to be your friend if you need it. Just tell me." I pleadingly say.

        He looks at me with anxious yet guarded eyes. " last night, I h-had dream." "Yeah? Go on..."I say pressuring him to tell me. "In the dream, I uh..well funny thing is that you were involved and-" he stops short as a second later Scott walks in and stands in the doorway asking, "Stiles, you ok?" regarding me with worried eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just telling Derek about the other Disney movies we've watched. Apparently, he is not a fan." I reply before glancing at Derek who was thanking me with his eyes for not saying anything about what he was about to tell me.

        "Alright then lets go. We're missing the movie!" he said as he began to walk out of the bathroom leaving the two alone again. I look over at Derek who was staring at the floor then looked up at me with a pained expression that shattered my heart tenfold. "We'll talk later okay?" I say in a whisper. He nodded and followed me as I walked out of the bathroom and back to the screening room. We walked up stairs and at in our original seats.

        "There you are! I was beginning to think you fell in the toilet!" exclaimed Lydia followed by the others looking at me. "Yeah right. You can't get rid of me that easily." I grin and say. Everyone turns their attention back to the ongoing movie. I sat thinking about what Derek wanted to tell me. It made me worry a lot. I tried to relax by watching the movie trying to take my mind off Derek, which I swear is hard as wrestling an alligator.

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