Chapter 7: Undying Grief

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        I was sitting in my room crying to myself, looking through a scrapbook filled with pictures of me and Allison when suddenly, I got a text from Kira.

        "Hey Lydia. Something possibly big has been discovered. We're having a meeting at Derek's loft A.S.A.P. Hurry please! :)"

        I looked over the message once and let out a sigh. Time to return to reality. I gave one last glance at a picture of Allison aiming her bow at a tree with me smiling behind her before shutting the scrapbook. That was the day of her archery competition. Of course , she won that day. I choke back a sob when I saw her face. Full of life, glowing, living. I still couldn't believe she was gone. It was as if I was in a dream and I'm stuck in a quicksand puddle being pulled down while I sluggishly struggle to get out and wake up.

*Flashback to a random day when Allison and Lydia were hanging out before the Nogitsune*

"Hey Lydia, we gotta talk." she said cautiously with anxiety in her voice.

"What is it Ali?" I asked concerned

"I know it's uh.. a bad thing to think about but I have to tell you or I would never be at peace with myself if something does happen, and I never got to make amends with you." she warily continues.

"What are you getting at Ali?" 

"I'm trying to say, if something happens to me in all this supernatural stuff, I want you know that your were my first best friend that I actually connected with and cared for. I want you to know that I love you like a sister and when I'm gone, I want you to continue on. You can't stop and slow down your life down grieving for me. You have to go on and help the pack if anything comes up, whether it's supernatural or life problems. Keep practicing using your banshee powers and maybe one day, you can actually see the murders before they happen and you can stop them in time and actually save lives. Don't let me die in vain knowing that I've told you this."

"Allison don't sa-" I start to say before I'm cut off as she holds her hand up signifying for me to silence.

"Lydia, listen to me. You never know what will happen with all this supernatural stuff. I am saying this because I am more involved with fighting the supernatural than you are and I am more likley to get hurt. I need you, after I'm gone, to keep the pack together. Do the best you can, and please help my father get through this. Issac may not be enough to help him. If you want to help keep people safe, then keep to the code. 'We protect those who can not protect themselves.' Make the pack uphold that code. When I thought up that code, I wasn't just thinking of me being an Argent. I also thinking of me being in the pack. Make them use that code as they continue to protect people. Please Lydia, just make sure they are okay."

I looked at her with my eyes starting to tear up. "Ok Allison. I will do my best. We protect those who can not protect themselves." I say with determination

"Lydia, remember that I will always love you and watch over you after death. Ok? I care for you and I wish the best for you."

"I l-love you too A-Allison." I stuttered. "Please, do your best to stay alive." I choke back a sob and smile.

"I will try Lydia."


        I get up from my bed and walk over to my dresser with my mirror to look myself over. God I'm a mess. My eyes are completely red and swollen looking as if they were stabbed out. My hair is a tangle of wisps of hair strands dancing wildly in all directions, defying gravity. I sit down and get to work applying make up to make myself look presentable. Even though Allison is gone, I still have a reputation to keep. The smart, seductive, attractive, big breasted, fashion model, and supernatural banshee Lydia Martin.

        Once I've finished with the cosmetics, I skip to my closet to pick out an outfit. After a quick three minutes of debating, I decide to wear a yellow-blue plaid skirt, a dark blue top, along with golden earring hoops, and yellow shoes. After I got done dressing, I look at myself one more time in the mirror. Oh crap! Almost forgot! Lip gloss! I pull out a large box from under my dresser that consisted of thousands of lip gloss sticks, each of different brand, maker, and color. I choose a light pink gloss and apply it hastily.

        After I finished, I put the box back, grab my keys, walk down the stairs and out the door to my car. I start to drive to Derek's loft for the meeting. I turn on the radio to help ease my nerves. I maneuver through the different stations until I stop and hear a song that reminds me of Allison. "I Love It" by Icona Pop. She and I would always jam out out to it like idiots when the song came on. I quickly turned off the radio before I could cry and ruin my makeup.  Come on Lydia, control yourself.

        I can't imagine how this is affecting Issac and Scott. They both must be devastated. Dammit! Curse all this supernatural crap! Sometimes I wish I never got involved, but if I hadn't, I wouldn't have the friends I have now. Issac, Stiles, Scott, Kira, weird Derek, Ethan, and... Oh god... Aiden. He was gone too. I never got to say good-bye to him. I still can't believe any of this! He's gone, Allison's gone, who's next? It's like where ever we roam around Beacon Hills, something supernatural is attracted to us and ends up killing people around us. Even the people we care about.

        I snap to my attention back to the task at hand and realized that cars are honking and driving around me. I apparently stopped in the middle of the road, starting traffic in the lane. Oh crap...I start to drive again and the horns of the cars grew quieter. A few minutes later, I pull up into Derek's driveway and get out of my car to walk up the steps to the door. I get my spare key out and open the door without a second thought of hesitation. 

        I step in and see Issac, Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Kira all sitting around a table looking at a Go board on the table. "Oh come on Kira, can you start explaining already? I'm tired of waiting for Lydia. We can just fill her in later." Scott complains. "No Scott, we have to wait for her. She's a part of this pack meaning we have to have respect for her and treat her kindly, just as we do for each other such as waiting for everyone to start a meeting" Kira replies. I shut the door behind me and say, "I'm here,  alright Kira," I start to say as I walk over to them and sit on the floor next to her as everyone stares at me. "Please start explaining. I want to know what's so important that I have to come here at night, when I was studying." 

        Kira eyes me suspiciously and says, "Okay, well everyone is here now. Scott, please feel free to pitch in if I miss anything important from when I told you. Now with that being said, everyone please pay attention and stop me if you get confused. Okay so this is what I've found" she starts to explain.

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