Chapter 15: Strong? Not In the real way.

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Stiles awoke lying on Derek's couch to vibrations in his pocket. He looked around and saw that he was deserted in the living room of the flat. Derek was nowhere in sight.He retrieved his phone to a new text from Scott.

     "Hey, so I've been thinking. I want to do something a little romantic yet goofy for Kira. I was thinking...a song? I was wondering if you could help cause I know you have quite a bit of experience with music and such." <From Scott McCall (1:30 pm)

     "A song? Corny, but I like the idea. Of course I'll help. :) When you up for meeting?" <To Scott McCall (1:32 pm)

     "Awesome thanks so much dude. Uh how about tonight at Derek's? Kira's mom is going to be teaching her about her Kitsune abilities. So technically...I'm off guard duty." <From Scott McCall (1:34 pm) 

     "Oh...tonight? Yeah, about that. That's kinda of a no-go. Me and Derek are actually going out to do something tonight. I'm tired of being stuck here in his flat so I'm going to town and he's forced to come with me since he is my guard or whatever. And whoa...good for her! More power to the team yeah? Ha, lol" <To Scott McCall (1:36 pm)

     "Going out?! With Derek Hale? What are you forcing him to do? Star Wars convention? Come on Stiles. Go easy on the guy. Don't keep a dog on a leash like that lol. Don't use the guard thing to your advantage lmao. And yeah, I'm kinda surprised about it,  but she finally got her mom to start teaching her. I'm curious to see what she can really do with her training." <From Scott McCall (1:38 pm)

      "Sure. Something like that.  Totally something geeky to make him lose his mind lol. It's just for dinner or whatever. Yeah I'm curious to..."  <To Scott McCall (1:40 pm)

     "A DINNER DATE???? S:D ?!" <From Scott McCall (1:41 pm)

     "No! NOT a date!! Just dinner like NORMAL frenemies. Idk if he's a friend or an enemy. So I'm sticking with frenemies." <To Scott McCall (1:42 pm)

     "Okay. I've been meaning to talk to you about this. Do you have feeling for Derek, or no>" <From Scott McCall (1:43 pm)

Stiles cursed under his breath as he read Scott's latest text. 'Just, perfect. Now Scotts onto me. I don't need this right now. Time to lie through my ugly teeth...'

     "WTF Scott? What the hell makes you ask that?!" <To Scott McCall (1:45 pm)

     "Dude. Relax. It's okay to tell me the truth. It's not going to change the fact that we are best friends. I see the way you look at him. The way you use to look at Lydia pales in comparison to the way you look at Derek. You even sometimes stare at him when he's not looking. And when he looks up or towards you, you quickly look somewhere else." <From Scott McCall (1:48 pm)

'How the hell...Scott you're such a creep. Why are you watching me? Well..he is my best friend...ugh. Of course the one thing he has to be -anti-oblivious to is this. Of course. Cause why the hell not.'

     "What? Do you sneak looks at me when I'm not looking? In love with me or something?" <To Scott McCall (1:52 pm)

     "Don't try and change the subject. And no, I'm not in love with you. I look at you because most of the time where Derek is around you're able to stumble into practically anything cause you're looking at him. You even almost tripped and fell one time when you saw Derek shirtless and walking out with Isaac and me. Look buddy, just tell me honestly. You know I wouldn't tell anyone anything you've told me in private unless I have your consent. Just spill it." <From Scott McCall (1:55 pm)

'Looks like Scott found me out for real. Just. Perfect.'

     "Okay. Fine. Sorta. Maybe I'm not sure exactly. I'm still trying to figure it out. And the new supernaturals aren't helping much. I know... that I really care about him. That true." <To Scott McCall (1:57 pm)

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