Chapter 14: ...One Giant Leap for Mankind

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Okay, so I may have just said the single thing that may have started a nuclear war. Probably the next World War. I can't help wanting to know about myself! My mom should be a mom and talk to me about it. I mean like, isn't that what common mom's do? Talk to their kids about things calmly and stuff? Well, granted if my mom was a common mom...

"Learn about your what?" my mother crescendo-ed. Yup, I can imagine it already. World War 4.

"Eh-hm.", my mother exclaimed. Right. Back to reality. "I...I want to learn about my kitsune powers.", I say with more confidence and determination in my voice. "You are not yet ready for that yet.", she says, as she turns around ready to walk out. "No, Mom." She stops in her tracks and turns around to look at me. "I am ready. I need to know this. Learning control of my powers could be the difference between life and death for someone. It's not a matter of your opinion. I've have to go to school everyday and deal with society. Deal with how society deals with me. I have to worry about my appearance, my personality, and often pretend to be someone I'm not just so I can fit in. I have to get assignments in on time just so I won't fail the class because homework is worth more than anything else aside from exams. I have to deal with me being new to this town, and barely anyone normal knowing me. I have to deal with the legit 24/7 paranoia land of thoughts of me, or someone going to die every hour, of every day. I deal with all of this stuff on a daily basis. I handle all of this, and still manage to be me. So if you consider me not ready for this, I don't know what you consider me as anymore."

My mother just looked at me blankly, surprised at my rant. I didn't mean to rant. It just...happened... She walked over and sat on the bed next to me. She looked at me with a smile on her face and she caressed my face. "Sweety, okay, I understand how you feel about this. But with great power, comes great responsibility. " I scoffed at her reply. "Really? You've gotten to the point of motherhood where you start to quote cheesy superhero movies? How low can you get?"

My mother flashes a small smile. "Kira, my sweet, sweet child. These powers aren't something to take lightly. They can be extremely dangerous and destructive if not taken care of properly. Learning how to control these powers might prove to be a challenge. Reflecting upon recent events, I do not doubt that a day should come where your powers may prove useful, or vital to a task. I understand why you want to learn about your abilities, and you will, but only under my guidance and supervision. Is that understood?"

"Is she for real?", Kira thought.

"Yes, I understand mother. How soon can we start?"

She sat in contemplation for a minute, her lips pursed in the thought.

"Perhaps tomorrow night? After dinner?"

Kira replied, "Sounds great. I'll be a home a little late because I'm going to the library to research the new supernatural with Scott. But I swear I'll be home in time for dinner."

"Alright. Well let me know if you find anything." Mrs. Yukimura said with a smile before she walked out of Kira's bedroom.

Whoa. Did that really just happen? I should stand up to my Mom more often... Kira laid on her bed, phone in hand, already at the text messaging menu. 

          "Hey! So guess what?" <To Scott McCall (4:15 pm)

           "What? :D" <From Scott McCall (4:17 pm)

           "So I talked to my Mom and tomorrow is the night she's going to start teaching me about my Kitsune powers!" <To Scott McCall (4:18 pm)

          "Whoa! Jeez, what did you say to her?!" <From Scott McCall (4:19 pm)

          "I don't know what got into me! I stood up to her. Like, I don't know my Mom anymore! But whatever I said, it certainly worked!" <To Scott McCall (4:21 pm)

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