Chapter 9: Guard Duty

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         "Whew, what a day" I huffed as I plopped myself down on Lydia's bedroom couch. It was a four seat, meaning four cushions and was aqua blue. It was really comfy too. Surprisingly, her room is that big to have at least six of them. Lydia was sitting on her bed, which was devoured by the color pink making it look as if unicorns came and vomited on it, reading a text book about Physics. She looked up and chuckled. "You're telling me." I felt very awkward being alone with Lydia. I had never hung out with her alone before. What am I suppose to say? I don't want to look like a idiot. I don't know what gets her angry, upset, or happy. I don't want to say something wrong. I'm at a total loss for words. She suddenly strikes up a conversation as if she had read mind.

        "So Issac, what are you planning to do after high school? Graduation isn't that far away to start thinking about your future plans." Even more awkwardness energizes from the question. "Uh, I'm not sure yet." I answer cautiously. "Assuming that I'm not dead by then, I'll probably become a bodyguard or something. I don't know... I've never found anything that I'm good at or at the least bit interested in. What about you?" I redirected the question back at her. "Forensic scientist." she replied flatly as if the question was rhetorical. "Well, that sounds interesting, and what does a forensic scientist do?" "A person who examines evidence from many angles to assist law enforcement officials in solving crimes and such." she replied. 

        "Wow...that's something that would bring alot of mullah home eh?" She scoffed and said, "You should work on your sense of humor." "Wow, tough crowd?" I grinned at her hoping  she would at least giggle. She just stared blankly at me. Man, does this girl not have classic humor glands at all? I look towards one of the windows in the room. It was late at night. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. Lydia drove us to her house from the meeting at Derek's loft after we came to a conclusion on what to do about the new supernatural creature in our midst. We're sticking to the partners idea, unfortunately. 

        "Hey Lydia, why did you pair everyone besides us, obviously, to their romantic partners?" I asked. "Because I figured if they were going to be around each other all day and night, they might as well enjoy each other's company." "So you think Derek would enjoy Stiles company?" She scoffed and said, "It's obvious that Stiles secretly likes Derek. I decided to give them an opportunity to be together alone and build up their friendship in hopes of Stiles finally admitting his feelings for Derek weather Derek likes his company or not." "I know Stiles likes Derek. I think Scott and Derek are the only ones totally oblivious to the fact. Maybe Kira too, but after Stiles tells Derek, then what? What do you think will happen?" She looks me dead in the eye with a serious face and says, " Well, cross my fingers and hope for the best." I narrowed my eyes and said, "You been talking with Stiles alot havn't you?" "Guilty" she said with a sly smile.

        "Ah! Oh my god! Hold the phone! Stop the presses! Lydia Martin finally smiles for me!" At that she laughed and said, "Your such an idiot" she said in between giggles. "Your not the first to say that." I reply followed by a laugh. "So Issac, tell me something. What is your opinion on Kira?" What? Why is she asking me my opinion on Kira? "Uh...I don't really know her that well, I mean so far in my book, she's seems cool and all... and one's thing for sure. Never get her angry when there is electricity or fire around." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, don't you think she is a bit too cool?" Lydia replied with finger quote emphasis at "too". "No...wait. You don't think she owns a notebook that lets her kill people do you?" I asked her with panic in my voice. If all this supernatural shit was real, why not? "No idiot, you watch too much anime." I gasp and stare at her with shocked eyes. 

        "You know about Death Note?" "Um...yeah. Have you met Stiles Stilinski? He leaves a basket of apples by his window at all times claiming that he's trying  to please the Shinigami's so they don't write his name in their Death Notes." " that's what that's what that's about. I was wondering why he did that..." "Yeah Stiles is a total geek when it comes to anime. He has a secret stash with loads of manga books behind his computer desk." "And you know that how?" "Pshh, I'm Lydia Martin. I know everything, if not, only to find it out later, but back to the subject! Don't you think Kira's trying a little hard to  impress Scott?" 

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