Chapter 10: Random Thoughts

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        It was dim and cold. I opened my eyes to see that I was in midst of a forest. I'm laying on my back looking up at the sky. Dammit, again? How many kind of forest dreams am I gonna have? this really a dream? What was it that you do to figure out if your dreaming again? Uh...crap what was it? I looked around to try and figure out if I was in the Beacon Hills forest. Beacons Hills is generally a warm climate place and trees in warm climates have vibrant green colors and the soil is damp enough and easy to pick up because of the trees perspiration. I get up and walk over to the nearest tree. I put my hand and try to pick up the soil. It came up as easy as flower powder.  I look up at the tree tops and see that they are bright green. Almost neon green. so I can infer that I'm still in Beacon Hills, or at least a warm climate place meaning I'll dehydrate soon so I need to get to a water source. Oh yeah! I remember dreams you have extra fingers! I look down at my hand a breath a sigh of relief. My left hand had ten fingers and my right had six.

        Okay, so this is a dream. Alright Stiles, relax. Try and figure out for the millionth why you keep dreaming of the forest. I've tried figuring out why I always dream of the forest load of times before. It just ends up with me wandering the dream forest for what seems like hours. I never find anything out of the ordinary. It's as if I'm trapped there. As if it was a maze. Ha... like the Maze Runner. Well, except here there aren't stone walls. I start to walk around trying to find a clue. Why is it so cold? I look down and realize I'm in nothing but my Batman underwear and superman flip-flops. What the heck? First of all, black,yellow and blue,red do not match. Like, ever. What the fudge? Oh wait, right, why am I in my underwear? That didn't happen in my other dreams. Well...then again, I've never bothered to see what I'm wearing in my dreams.

        I continue to walk around, the fluorescent smell of the trees invading my nostrils. They smell like cherry blossoms for some reason. At that thought, cherry blossoms began to appear everywhere rapidly until all the tree tops and grass were cluttered with the white and light pink colored flowers.The scent intensified almost to the point of intoxication. I  looked up as I felt a drop of moisture land on the bridge of my nose to find that the sky was clouded with a sheet of gray. I felt strange for a moment. As if something was watching me. I look back down and yelp in surprise as I see the same purple glowing eyes that appeared at Derek's loft during the pack meeting. It was watching me, unblinking, which was unnerving. "W-w-who are you?" I stutter, my voice weak. A deep and masculine but yet calming voice fills my head and says, "Not who, but what, and what significance is given to determine who." What? What does he mean? Not who, but what, and what significance is given to determine who? So...if I figure out what he is, that will be the importance that connects him to who he really is? Ugh, another riddle. Fuck. After the Nogitsune I grown really irritable of riddles. A crack of thunder shakes the sky. I look up and see lightning streaks dancing in the sky, illuminating the once blanket of gray each time they danced another step. I look back down to discover that the purple glowing eyes had vanished. "What the-" I begin to say in confusion as I'm cut off short by seas of rain droplets dominating and slicing through the sky, like knives,  dousing me me in waves of cold and wetness.

        A new voice fills my head that sounded very familiar. "Stiles...sti..s...iles..". The voice sounded disoriented to me, or is that just me? I willed the voice to become clearer by focusing all my attention on it. "iles... sti.. Stiles. Stiles, wake up. Wake up. Stiles, wake up!" "Derek!" I shout aloud. I gasp as my subconscious is switched off and I'm delivered back to my conscious state. Kinda of like parents dropping their kids off at daycare's and speeding off without a moment's hesitation. Knock it off Stiles, now is not the time, I mentally scold myself. I lurch up from a laid down position, hyperventilating wildly and arms flailing everywhere, desperately trying to grasp something to physically anchor myself to, to feel grounded to the present and not my ludicrous dreams. My hands eventually find a fabric like material that was very warm. I open my eyes and look towards my hands. Oh shit...I was grabbing someones chest nipples's area through a plain green shirt, and it is definitely not a woman. Oh god, please don't let these man tits belong to who I think they belong to,oh, god please. I look up and see exactly what I was afraid of. Derek was looking at me bewildered, but concerned at the same time. I look back at my hands, realizing they were still man handling Derek, and quickly withdraw them, placing them by my sides. Gee, thanks a lot God. I swear, it like your trying to kill me. "Stiles?" Are you alright?" Derek asks with authority laced into his voice. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a...dream. That's all. No big deal." "Don't lie to me Stiles. You were muttering strange things in your sleep and not to mention, you just yelled my name a few seconds ago and woke up like you were having a panic attack. "Trust me, it's fine, and wait...were you watching me sleep?" Derek's authoritative facade shatters, leaving behind a word stumbling, embarrassed Derek, his cheeks beginning to shift to a hue of light pink. "W-what? N-no! Well, yes and no. See, what I had did was that I I thought it would make sense, and I wasn't tired anyways... and so I stayed up all night standing guard." he finished, rushing at the end. "So you mean to tell stayed up all night, watching over me while I slept?" Derek weakly nodded while looking at the ground as if feeling guilty. "Uh...Peter much?" I say to him. "Hey! I heard that you brat! Don't flatter yourself!" a distant voice came. 

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