Chapter 11: Hallucinations? EXPLANATION PLEASE!

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"Isaac, what do you mean there's no bromine? It says so right there in the formula!" I whispered whilst pointing to a page to my chemistry textbook. He looked back at the large, green textbook as realization dawned on his facial expression. "Oh... so that's what the 'Br' stands for...I thought it meant beaker." Issac whispered back. "Are you serious? Why would a beaker be part of the equation? That would make no sense whatsoever." "Well to me, it meant put all the chemicals into the beaker." he said innocently. "Just, stop right there. I'll handle the equations; you take notes on the physical changes that appear after I put the Bromine sample into the beaker." I reply in an annoyed tone.

Ugh, I hate this classroom. The color scheme is so...dull. The white-beige paint is like a magnet, sapping the life out of all who enter and stay for more than an hour. It's third period Chemistry, with Isaac. Maybe I planned this partner's thing a little more conveniently than I thought. Everyone else, except Derek and Stiles, have most of their classes together. I should learn to stop and think while I'm ahead cause one of these days, I might mess up big time, and it will be my fault. "Hey Lydia, I was thinking, that maybe after school, we and the rest of the gang can go to the Mai Tai restaurant. That is, if you don't already have plans." Isaac randomly asked. "Um...yeah. Sure. I don't have anything better to do later, so why not?" A small, luminous, cloud of green smoke emerged from the beaker into the un-warned air, smelling awfully similar to candy canes. "You got that right?" I asked. "Yup. Color, shape, smell, and form. Which in this case, is vapor." "No, not vapor. Smoke. The two are totally different. Vapor is more transparent, making it difficult to see. This is smoke because, you can see it, clearly, and it a more solid color than what vapor would normally be. Jeez, where were you in 5th grade Science 101?" "Oh, I don't know, maybe locked up in a refrigerator all day and night with only dinner to eat?"

Crap, crossed a line and possibly hit a nerve. Damn. "Sorry...didn't mean to bring that up." I hastily muttered in attempt to cover up my mistake. "It's fine. Let's just hurry up and finish this." he replied nonchalantly. "Right, but first, I need to go use the lady's room. Be right back." "Fine, just hurry. I'm scared to be left alone... I don't trust myself with chemicals." I giggle and say, "Don't worry. That what the teacher and other students are for. If anything goes wrong, they will help you out. Just try not to touch anything." He grins and looks back at the textbook trying to make sense of the formulas. I start to walk away, towards the teacher's desk, after stopping two desks up where Danny Mahealani was working with Ethan. I lean in close to them and ask, "Hey guys, how ya doing?"

Danny smiles, revealing his perfect row of gleaming white teeth."Hey Lydia. We're doing good, if you count Ethan trying to blow us up as good." "Hey! It's not my fault the stupid scientist abbreviate all this crap! It's as if they are speaking another language. Don't they know English? Mix Na and Cl to create Sodium Chloride? I thought sodium chloride was the same as sodium bicarbonate!" Ethan protested. "Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda ya dolt! Let me guess, he also thought that 'Br' meant beaker too didn't he?" I asked, my voice playful. Danny was thrown into a fit of giggles, his eyes crinkling at the ends, and his smile widening. " Omg, exactly! How did you know?" I rolled my eyes. " I got an idiot of my own with the same science instincts." "Oh is Isaac not science savvy either?" Danny asked. "Unfortunately, no. Speaking of him, Ethan, I need you to watch Isaac and make sure he touches nothing before he blows us up like you almost tried to do. You can do that, while Danny does the work." "Alright, but on one condition." Ethan retorted with a grin that stretched from ear to ear. "What is it?" "You, let us come with you and the pack to Mai Tai after school." I quietly gasp, playing my part as a lovely actress. " You were eavesdropping with werewolf hearing? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad boy, but I like the way you think. Devious, like me. Danny, I would expect you to have a better hold of your boyfriend. Fine, you can come, just watch the twerp will ya? I gotta go pee!" Ethan nods his head and turns his head to watch Isaac, as if he were a hawk.

I walked up to the teacher's desk with a smirk on my face. Apparently, since out last teacher was slaughtered by Jennifer, a.k.a, the Darach, we have a temporary substitute to teach us until the school finds someone else with enough guts to come and teach at the infamous massacred school. I was surprised when I found out how many murders took place within the school involving school staff and students before our little band of supernatural misfits came along. The substitute, is my Mom. "Mom, I gotta go powder my nose." "Of course dear, but one question before you go. Who is that handsome young man your are working with?" she replied in her light, melodic, angelic, voice. Oh god, please don't tell me she's going where I think she's going with this. "No one, he's just a close friend." I replied after a moment of hesitation. "So... he is a boy, no one, but a close friend?" she mused with a sly smile. "Mom, seriously. I gotta pee!" Seriously! I'm to the point of almost peeing myself and everyone in the freaking world wants to strike up a conversation now? What the hell?! "Okay, okay. Go. Hurry back." "Thank you!"

I tried to keep my lady act together even though every part of me, especially one in particular, was screaming at me to run to the bathroom. As soon as I was out of the room, I looked around in the hallway, saw no one was there, and sprinted to the bathroom around the corner. I enter the bathroom and barged into the nearest stall, nearly about to dissipate on the spot. Finally I made it, and just in time too. I sigh in overwhelming relief. As I'm finishing up, I suddenly hear someone walk into one of the other stalls next to me. My ears are then filled with the horrible sound of someone retching into the toilet. "Are you alright in there?" I asked as I stepped up to stand on the toilet seat and peer over into the person's stall. My eyes widen in terror as I see blood splattered everywhere, flooding the floor. A pair of yellow eyes look up at me, piercing my soul, emptying me of all thoughts, feeling, and desire. The same kind of yellow eyes that belonged to the being that killed Allison. The same kind that killed Aiden. The eyes, of an Oni. It had it's caliginous, poisonous blade lodged into the back of a person's head, who was on all fours, head submerged in the toilet bowl. Massive currents of blood was continuously flowing, rapidly increasing in speed along with dark dollops of pink matter sliding ,ever so slowly,down the back of the person's head . I realize with slow speed that underneath the blanket of orange and red curls of hair, was me.

The other me was wearing the same clothes as I was. A white skirt with pink colored flowers and a white top with red straps forming an X on my back, acting as suspenders. I lose my footing on the toilet and fall onto the floor that was now deluged with the bright red swamp of blood. I give all of my will and concentration to my banshee scream, as it echoed and grew louder with each second as if there was no tomorrow. Which in my situation, might as well not be. After my throat burns in protest, forcing me to stop screaming, I open my eyes, unknowing that I had, and see that the ocean of blood had disappeared, leaving nothing behind but the pearly white shine of the bathroom floor. I warily stand up, step onto the toilet seat again, and discover that the Oni and the body of the other me disappeared as well, leaving no trace behind, offering no evidence to prove that the scene had ever really happened. I see a flash of purple light out of the corner of my eye. I turn my attention to it, unearthing a pair of purple glowing eyes suspended in the air, flickering expeditiously, then vanishing into nothingness. I stare in awe at what I had thought was once there, but no longer. Had I... hallucinated all of it? Was it, real?

Just then a set of footsteps came running into the bathroom. "Lydia?" someone frantically asked. I step out of the stall after I opened the door and found who the footsteps and voice belonged to. Scott. Isaac comes running in, stopping behind Scott upon seeing him, gasping for breath. "Lyd-Ly-Lydia... are-are y-you alright?" he managed to stammer in between breaths. They both looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. After a moment of collecting my thoughts and putting my fear, anxiety, and terror away, I say in a hushed, hoarse tone, "I need to go see Deaton, now. And Stiles needs to come. I think they both know what's happening. No scratch that, you know what? Emergency pack meeting after school at the animal clinic. Scott, message Deaton, Kira, and Derek and let him know. Isaac, you get Stiles, and Ethan." They look at me confused, but yet whipping out their cell-phones and doing as they were told. I look at them, gaining my confidence and stability, forming to create a look of determination plastered onto my face. Something wicked has arrived in the chaotic town of Beacon Hills, yet again, threatening the safety of the town.

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