Chapter 10

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The group eventually fell asleep and by the strick of 3 am, KC began sleepwalking and of course she was out of the room. By this hour, the demon became stronger by feeding off of the nightmares but once he saw KC walking through the hallways he was ready to devise a plan to kill her. He lead her gently outside to the old shed and made her lay down on the rags. The door wasn't completely knocked out from  Garroth so he closed the door tightly with a lock he found lying around. He gentle shook KC and as she awoke she saw a familiar place.

She stood up and turned around but wasn't able to make a full turn. The demon was right behind her and he attained. His claws dug in deep not her flesh on her back. It picked her organs as the tips of the claws protruded from the skin on the other side. KC screamed loudly in hope of Zane or at least someone to come to her aid. No one hear. The demon didn't want to attract more attention so he pulled out his claws and ripped her jaw of her face for he leaves the heads of his victims out. He began devouring her until there was only a jawless head lying the pile. He wrote in blood on the inside outside of the door 1 is gone and now just 7 more to go. He dragged his claw into the house on the floor tracing back to the room from which she came from. He felt full of her because she tasted so sweet so he didn't want to eat more. He left the room open and on the wall in front of the bed he wrote YoUR neXt...


Sorry about this short chapter but I left you a cliffhanger so try to imagine what would happen next.

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