flowers pt. 2

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john sat in the chair next to sherlock, watching the man tattoo himself. it's been a few weeks since they kissed/started dating. sherlock kept redrawing the bouqet of flowers and he was finally inking it on himself as john watched.

"i don't understand how you can do that." john said.

sherlock chuckled and set the needle down, getting up from the chair. "i'm used to it. you've seen all my tattoos." he said as he walked over to the sink, reaching for the seran wrap.

"but still." john said as he watched him. "doesn't it hurt?"

sherlock nodded. he ripped off a piece of seran wrap and wrapped it around his fresh tattoo. "you should get one." he said as he walked back over to john.

john laughed, shaking his head, "no."

"aw, c'mon! just a little one!" sherlock begged, looking at the blond. he sat down on the inclined chair and grabbed the pencil and pad from the table next to john. "how about this one?" he asked and showed john the quick sketch of the small bee he drew.

john got up and stepped over to sherlock, straddling his lap. "cute, but no."

sherlock thought before sketching a small bigonia. "this one?"

"i love it, but i'm not getting a tattoo." john said, causing sherlock to pout.

"come on, babe." he begged, setting the notepad and pen down.

"no," john chuckled, shaking his hair.

sherlock placed his hands on john's hips and tilted his head up more, catching the blond's lips in a kiss. it was slow and tender. they both pulled away once they couldn't breathe and sherlock smirked. "how 'bout now?" he asked john.

john hummed softly, wrapping his arms around sherlock's neck. "maybe."

"maybe?" sherlock asked, raising a brow.

john laughed and shook his head. "my answer is still no, stupid." he said and smiled at sherlock.

sherlock looked up at him sadly and john stopped laughing. "fine," he sighed. he gently pushed john off of him and started to clean up from his tattoo.

john stood and watched him. "don't be like this."

sherlock glanced at him then picked the tray up from the table, carrying it to the sink. "i literally just tattooed myself for you. my entire fucking shoulder." sherlock said as he started to disinffect everything. "i don't even get anything in return."

john watched him. "sherlock." he said softly, walking over to the man.

"no." sherlock refused to make eye contact with his boyfriend. "there's an appointment scheduled today. it's a group of frat boys, so you should just go ahead and go." he said and set all the instruments back on the tray, carrying it back to the chair.

"yeah, alright." john said. "i'll see you tonight." he muttered as he grabbed his coat, heading out of the parlor.

sherlock watched him walk across the street, then noticed him keep the closed sign up, not switching it as he disappeared to the back. sherlock sighed and looked down at his shoulder then went to the front counter, sitting down.

john found a spot in the green house where he could still see straight to sherlock's parlor. he had already watered everything and didn't feel like doing anything else with them today. he watched as a group of frat boys poured into his shop and watched sherlock keep a serious face on as he talked to them.

"what's that?" the boy asked that was getting inked, pointing at sherlock's shoulder.

"a bouqet." sherlock responded, keeping his focus on tattooing the boy.

the boy scoffed. "why?"

sherlock glanced at the flower shop across the street then looked back at the pink ankle. "the flower shop across the street, the man who owns it is my boyfriend."

"oh," the boy said softly. "that's sweet."

sherlock shrugged and continued to finish the symbol. "alright." he said and put the needle back on the tray. "you're finished." he said and stood up. "who's paying?" he asked as he walked to the front counter.

the boy that got the first tattoo came up and handed sherlock a credit card. sherlock rung them all up and then watched them all flood out, talking about their tattoos. he sighed and looked at the floral shop before starting to clean the instruments. the bell to the front door ran while sherlock was in the back and he shouted, "just a minute!" he dried his hands off and went out to the front to see john standing at the door, holding a piece of paper.

"hi, i'd like a tattoo." john said, smiling at sherlock.

sherlock smiled back. "and what would you like?" he asked as he walked up to the blond.

john handed sherlock the paper. "that, if you don't mind."

sherlock took the paper and looked at it. "i don't mind at all," he grinned. "go ahead and have a seat." he said and gave the paper back to john. "where would you like it?" he asked as he got a needle together.

"on my ankle." john said and watched sherlock.

sherlock set the needle on the table. "we'll have to shave that spot, then."

john nodded. "that's okay."

sherlock went to the sink and got a disposable razor and shaving cream then went back over to john. he sat on the stool and rolled over to john's feet. "which ankle?" he asked.

john thought for a second. "the left one. and on the outside."

sherlock nodded and went to the left, placing him at john's ankle. he shaved a small spot then disinffected the area. he rested the paper against john's leg then picked up the needle, starting it then lightly pressed it to john's skin. john hissed a bit and sherlock gave him his hand to hold onto and john gladly took it.

after thirty minutes, sherlock had finished and let it sit before cleaning it. he smiled down at his work then looked up at john. "how d'you like it?" he asked.

john looked down at his ankle and smiled. "i love it, thank you."

sherlock smiled and rolled over to john, giving him a kiss. john smiled and kissed back, cupping sherlock's cheeks. they pulled away and john looked at his tattoo again. it was sherlock initals with small flowers growing on it. it took him like two hours to think of and an hour to get the sketch he finally wanted. of course, sherlock's version was much better and he loved it.

"i'm glad you decided on getting one." sherlock said and rubbed john's thigh, looking at him.

"i'm glad i did too. 'cause now you're not mad any more." john said. "that was stupid to get mad over something like me not wanting a tattoo."

sherlocl chuckled. "it was. and i apologize for it, but my entire shoulder is now a fucking bouqet of flowers." he said and gestured to his shoulder.

john laughed softly. "it's going to suck if we ever break up."

sherlock laughed with him. "so's yours!"

"at least i can change it up a bit." john responded, looking down at his ankle.

"let's just hope we never break up." sherlock said and smiled at john.

john looked back up at sherlock and smiled, cupping his cheek. "i know we won't."

"well, i hope you are correct." sherlock said softly, inching closer to john.

"i am. i can see into the future." john teased.

"oh yeah?" sherlock asked, raising his brow. "what am i about to do then?" he asked john as their noses were inches apart.

"i dunno, maybe kiss me."

sherlock smirked and leaned in more, kissing john lovingly. "look at that, you can tell the future." sherlock muttered before kissing john again.

john huffed out a laugh, smiling against the kiss.

ha, i continued it because why not?

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