sorta romeo and juilet

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"look, johnny, we're going to that party and that's final." greg said as he tossed the deep maroon suit onto john's bed, along with a masquerade mask. "now get dressed." he said then walked out of his friends room.

john sighed and looked at the suit, knowing he wouldn't get out of this.

greg and john walked into the manor, both of them looking around. john fiddled with his mask a bit, the feeling of it getting scratchy. he looked at greg who was wearing a sort of phantom of the opera mask and a black suit. greg looked back at him and grinned. "come on!" he encouraged his friend, grabbing his wrist and dragging him down the marble staircase into the sea of people. a woman caught greg's eye and john could tell instantly. that sly smirk appeared on his face and he winked. "you got this, johnny." greg said and patted john's shoulder before running off to the girl that caught his attention.

john sighed and pulled his phone out of his pocket, checking the time.


he glared down at his phone, hoping it would magically change to midnight, but it didn't. he only had two hours and he planned to spend those two hours with a drink in a corner, all by himself.

"alright," irene declared, holding her friend by his biceps, looking out onto the crowd, "anyone catch your eye?"

"irene, this is stupid." sherlock said as he turned his head to his friend.

"no it's not!" she exclaimed. "look, you've been going on about finding a guy for, like, six months now. your parents are throwing this huge ass party right now- for the hell of it, just to mention- and the place is filled with beautiful men!"

"they're all wearing masks!"

"element of surprise, my dear holmes." irene grinned. she grabbed the bottom of sherlock's mask and pulled it down onto his face. "look at you!" she cooed, squishing her friends cheeks.

sherlock grabbed irene's wrists and pulled them away from his face. "you know, i really don't like you."

irene chuckled. "i know. that's why i'm still here." she said and got behind sherlock, pushing him to the top of the staircase. "now, let's find you a man." she said lowly into sherlock's ear.

sherlock kept his eyes locked on the crowd as he scanned the people as they walked down the steps. his feet stopped on the last step as he spotted a blond boy leaning against the column with a drink in hand.

"oh, he is nice." irene said to her friend as she looked at the same boy he was. "he's built, blond, a little short, but that'd be adorable since you're like a friggin' tree. and those eyes." irene purred. "god, sherlock, you do have great taste. great thing i'm gay because i would've swept him right up."

sherlock huffed out a laugh. "you should also look for a girlfriend because i am tired of you."

irene faked gasped, "i am offended!"

sherlock chuckled. "seriously though, if you want me to find someone i can't have you breathing down my neck the entire night."

irene grinned. "fix your tie then. i'll see you in the morning." she said then disappeared into the sea of people.

sherlock looked down at his chest the best he could with the mask on and tightened his tie, straightening it out. he felt a pair of eyes on him and he glanced up, noticing the boy against the column look in the other direction quickly. sherlock smirked and started walking over to the boy, making a u so he was on the other side of the column. he stuffed his hands into his pocket and leaned against the marble. he glanced over at the boy and caught him staring. sherlock's smirk stayed plastered on his face as he stepped over to the boy.

johnlock oneshots; the second bookWhere stories live. Discover now