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"decafe, no foam!" john shouted as he set the coffee cup down on the pick up counter, watching a boy glued to his phone come pick it up. he ran back to the register as he noticed some one walk in. "hi, welcome to starbucks, what can i get you?" he asked the young brunette.

"i'll take a small iced coffee." she said with a smile then turned to the tall boy standing next to her. then she started moving her hands and the boy responded with his. she laughed and punched the boy playfully before turning back to john. "and he'll have small black coffee with two sugars."

"alright." john said and totaled their order up, watching the girl pay. "should be ready in a few." he said with a smile then watched them go over to a table a sit. john made their coffee and shouted their order, watching the girl come and pick it up. he had seen the girl here many of times, and he kind of recognized the boy. he never came up to the counter with the girl, he just sat at the table.

as the morning went by, john watched the two out the coner of his eye. he noticed them stare at him then noticed them giggle and john learned that the boy was mute. they were using sign language to talk about him and john found it odd, but it also made him blush a bit, knowing that they were talking about him. once his shift was over, he went to the library instead of going back to his dorm. he went to the library and found books on sign language, checking out three how to learn ones. john had never really needed to learn sign language because he never really interfered with any mute people. and he didn't know if the boy read lips or not, so john wanted to learn it. plus the boy was cute and he wanted to know what him and the girl were talking about.

the next morning, john practiced saying what would you like? in the mirror before his shift. that's all he was able to learn last night because get this, sign language was confusing. he knew thank you because that was simple and everyone knew that. before they arrived, john would practice the hand movements as he worked, making sure he got it. the girl came up with a bright smile and john smiled back. hi, what would you like?

john watched the boy and he smiled. do you know sign language? he asked.

john focused back on what he read. just a little small. he said, meaning to say bit.

the boy chuckled and so did the girl. "you just said "just a little small"." she told john.

john laughed at himself. "oh. well, what can i get you two?"

"i'll have the small iced coffee and sherlock'll have the small black with two sugars." the girl said.

sherlock made eye contact with john and showed him what small black coffee with two sugars looked like.

"i don't know if this is right." john said to the girl. he attepmted to say coming up and he got it right.

"you got it." the girl smiled at john.

"great." john smiled

molly paid for thier drinks then they went to sit down. john was proud of himself. he thought he would mess something up, but he didn't. he glanced over at sherlock and the girl to see that sherlock was smiling at him. john smiled back and waved, getting a wave back. he watched sherlock blush and look down at his coffee. his eyes glanced up at john again and john was still watching him and more red appeared on his cheeks. john smiled to himself then continued to work, going to take more orders.

during his break, john notice the girl get up and go to the toilets and he acted quickly. it was weird, but he waited outside of the women's loo for her, scaring her when she came out. "sorry!" he apologized.

"jesus christ." she panted, clutching her chest. "it's a bit odd waiting outside the loo for some one." she said and looked at john nervously.

"yes i know- it's just, well, i wanted to know if you could teach me sign language?" he asked, quickly glancing at the boy that sat at the table, looking down at his phone.

the girl relaxed, smiling at john. "for sherlock, right?" she asked.

john nodded and scratched the back of his neck. "i got a few books last night and it took forever to learn four words. and i just thought it'd be easier if some one who knew it taught me." he said and looked at the girl. "will you?" he asked.

the girl nodded. "of course. i'm molly, by the way." she said with a smile.

john nodded. "do you want to set a time and date?" he asked.

molly nodded. "here, give me your phone and i'll text you later."

john nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and pulling up his contacts, giving it to molly.

molly took the phone and put her number in it, texting herself then giving john his phone back. "i have class tomorrow so sherlock will most likely come in here by himself, so if you want to get together tonight we can." she offered.

"that'd be good. i get off at one, do you want to meet at the library?" john asked.

molly nodded. "one it is. bye, john." she said then walked back over to her table.

john met molly in the garden in front of the library. he decided it was better than in the actual libary because there were less people cramming for their midterms. they sat out in the grass and john had brought the books he checked out from the other night.

"so you know the basics, hi, bye, have a nice day, right?" molly asked john.

john nodded and did the motions, making sure he them right.

molly smiled and nodded. "why do you want to learn sign language?" she asked. "is it because of sherlock?"

john blushed and nodded. "it'd just be nice to learn it too, ya know?" he said then looked into his lap. "and sherlock is cute and i wouldn't mind going on a date with him." he said and picked at the grass underneath him.

molly smiled at him. "look at me." she said and john looked up at her. "tomorrow, he'll be at the shop by himself, and if you want to ask for his number, this is what you do." she said then showed john the motion. she did it again and john watched her, copying her motions.

"what about, like, on a date?" john asked.

molly smiled at him and showed him, repeating it until john got it down. "now you still have to learn the basics." she said. "and they're easy, don't worry."

they stopped around three because john learned what he needed of the day and molly had an exam tomorrow, so she needed to study. it was a good lesson and they were going to do it again thursday. during the lesson, molly taught john sign language, but also talked about sherlock a bit. and it turned out that sherlock was starting to develop a crush on john too.

the next day, sherlock came in and ordered his coffee and john chickened out on asking sherlock out because he was scared he'd mess it up. he watched sherlock walk to his usual table with a frown and john kicked himself for it. when john went on break, sherlock was still in the shop so john went up to sherlock's table and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds as sherlock stared at him. john took a deep breath and did the motions, messing up and asking sherlock if he wanted to go on a fruit. he knew he did it wrong because sherlock was giggling softly. john walked away and grabbed a napkin and a pen from behind the register, writing date? on the napkin before walking back over to sherlock and standing in front of sherlock, holding up the napkin.

sherlock smiled up at john and nodded once. he took the napkin from john and wrote something on it, handing it back to the barista. john took the napkin and looked down at it to see the boy's number. john smiled and took out his phone, putting in sherlock's number and texting him; does friday night at seven sound good?

sherlock looked at his phone before glancing up at the barista.

sounds great.

so this was in my drafts and like a quarter of it wasn't finished so i finished it and i'm sorry it sucks idk when i actually wrote this.

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