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so, i'm from the us and idk how it was back in the uk in the 60s, so i'm just gonna center this oneshot in the 60s in like small town america.

"so," sherlock said in his sweet baritone voice as he leaned against the locker, "carnival saturday night, you and me?" he asked the blond.

john closed his locker and looked up at the greaser who had a toothpick between his teeth, smirking down at him. "i'll think about it."

sherlock frowned and stepped closer to john, placing his hands on his hips. "come on, baby." he whined. "we haven't been out in ages."

john sighed and looked up at the greaser's grey-blue eyes. "i'll have to sneak out, so you'll have to park round' block."

sherlock grinned and kissed the boy. "i'll be at the spot at seven."

john smiled softly and pulled the cigarette out from behind the greaser's ear. "i want the pack." he demanded and held his hand out.

"no," sherlock whined.

"give it. or i'm going to stand you up."

sherlock huffed and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket, placing them in the boy's hand, knowing the last time he didn't give hid pack up, john never showed for their date.

"i'll see you saturday at seven." john said and gave sherlock a smile. "and don't you dare buy more." he said then walked away.

sherlock sighed then turned his head, watching the boy walk off, his eyes trailing to his ass then a smirked grew on his lips.

saturday night, john made sure his parents thought he was studying in his room before locking his door and heading for the window. he climbed out then dropped down onto the roof of the porch before dropping down to the ground. he hopped the fence and went through mrs hudson's yard before going to the corner to meet sherlock. the greaser was parked in his corvette with the top down at the corner. john didn't like riding on the bike, so sherlock always used his father's car when he picked him up. john smiled and ran over to the red car, getting in.

"hey babe." sherlock smirked and put his arm on the back of the seat, leaning over and kissing the boy's cheek.

john blushed a bit, smiling shyly. "let's go."

sherlock chuckled at the boy and started the car, keeping his arm on the seat still, rubbing john's shoulder gently.

they arrived at the carnival and john was on his toes. he was terrified of riding the rides and he knew sherlock loved them. when sherlock bought tickets for the both of them, he knew he was in trouble. he sucked it up and walked with sherlock, noticing the giant smile on his face. "you ready to have some fun?" he asked.

john smiled nervously. "yeah."

"so, what do you want to get on first?" sherlock asked, stopping in their steps.

john looked around and shrugged. "what ever you want to." he said and looked up at sherlock.

"come on, doll. choose somethin'." the greaser said in his natural baritone voice.

"okay," john sighed, looking around. he really didn't want to get on anything and really didn't want to ruin sherlock's night. he spotted a ride that didn't seem bad and if it was, he could just hold onto sherlock's hand. "that one," john said and pointed to the scrambler.

sherlock smiled, "great choice." he said then wrapped an arm around the boy's waist, pulling him to the ride.

as they were in line, john stayed close to the greaser, picking at his finger nails as he was nervous. of course sherlock noticed. he noticed eberything, that was a disadvantage of him. "you alright?" sherlock asked the blond.

"huh?" john asked, snapping his head up at his boyfriend. "oh," he laughed nervously, "i'm fine."

"you're picking at your nails." sherlock said and held john's hand, pulling it away from the other one. "you only do that when you're nervous."

john sighed and looked down at his hands. "i'm fine. really." he said then looked up at sherlock, smiling at him.

"your pulse is quickening." sherlock said as his fingers wrapped around john's wrist.

john huffed. "i hate when you do that."

"if you don't want to ride, we don't have to."

"but you want to. i don't want to ruin tonight."

"we can go to the drive in or go get a pop. we don't have to stay here."

"it's fine." john declared. "i have to get over the fear."

"we'll get a funnel cake after, sound good?" sherlock asked.

john smiled and nodded.

sherlock sat on the inside and kept amd arm around john, making sure he was alright. john was nervous, but it wasn't that bad. when the ride started he got a bit scared, but sherlock held his hand and calmed him down. the ride wasn't as bad as john thought it was going to be. after a few minutes, he started smiling and laughing with sherlock. it wasn't bad at all. he enjoyed it. so much that he forgot about the funnel cake and dragged sherlock to the next ride.

"slow down there, doll." sherlock chuckled as he stopped in his steps, restraining john to go any where.

"but i wanna ride!" john whined.

sherlock laughed at the boy. "we've already been on everything. we have yet to eat."

john frowned up at the greaser. "i suppose we can take a break to eat." he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

sherlock chuckled and shook his head, wrapping his arm around the boy's waist and taking him to the food part of the carnival. they sat at a picnic table with a basket of fries and a cup of lemonade to share.

"why don't we try one of those games over there?" sherlock asked the blond, gesturing to the booths behind him.

john looked behind him then looked back at sherlock, grabbing another fry. "it's a waste of money."

"but what if i want to win my john one?" the greaser asked, rasing a brow.

"i don't want you wasting your money on me. i'm not worth it." john said, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"yes you are." sherlock said and stood up. "do you want giant panda, or the snake?" he asked, looking down at the blond.

"sherlock, i don't need either." john said.

"panda it is." sherlock decided, walking over to the game booth with the milk bottles. he smiled at the lady amd gave her a dollar in exchange for three baseballs. he looked behind him and saw john still sitting at the picnic table, but facing him. he gave john a wink then turned back to the game, throwing the first ball at the middle tower and knocking all them down. he threw the next two at the last two towers, knocking each one down.

john watched the greaser point up at the panda stuffed animal the size of his torso. the lady got it down from where it was hanging and passed it off to sherlock. he turned around, grinning like a fool as he walked back over to him. "i can't believe you actually won something."

"i said i was, did i?" sherlock asked as he gave john the panda.

john took it and rolled his eyes. "this thing is huge. i don't think i can sneak it back into the house." john said as he looked the panda in it's artifical face.

sherlock sat next to john on the bench, putting an arm around the boy's shoulders. "i can keep it with me until tomorrow when your parents are gone then drop it off."

john chuckled and looked up at the greaser. "thank you," he smiled.

sherlock returned the smile. "anything for my john." he leaned down and kissed the blond's forehead.

john cupped the back of sherlock's neck and pulled him in for a loving kiss, shocking sherlock, but he got a kiss back right away.

oml this was such shit, i apologize.

also, did y'all want a second part to that teen!lock oneshot that i just published last week? leave a yay or nay, i just wanna know.

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