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john sighed as he stood at baggage claim, waiting for his duffle and pack to come around. he took in the air port around him, watching all the couples get reunited as he stood at baggage claim by himself. he rubbed his face and spotted his bags, grabbing them then heading out of the air port. he walked instead of getting a cab and he didn't mind it, except the limp he had. after getting into the city he flagged down a cab.

he stood outside his new apartment building, staring up at it. he walked inside, going to the elevator and hitting the third floor button. john stepped inside to his tiny flat, dropping his bags and sighing at how pathetic it was. then he laughed at how pathetic he was.

"go away." sherlock said, sensing the presence of his brother in the flat.

"john is back." mycroft said, watching his brother's eyes snap open. "he got in last week."

sherlock looked over at his brother. "so?" he asked. "why should i care for him? he left me heart broken three years ago and i'm still mad about it."

"you're also still not over him. and he's not over you."

"out." sherlock rose from his chair. "get out of my flat."

"sherlock we both know that you're still in love with him. and you'll always be in love with him." mycroft pulled a small piece of paper out of his pocket. "his number. give him a call." he gave the paper before walking out the flat.

sherlock looked down at the paper and crumbled it in his hand tossing it some where in the direction of the desk before grabbing his coat and heading out.

john limped down the side walk, his cane tightly in his grip. he stopped walking once someone bumped into him, causing him to fall to the ground. "oi! watch it!"

"sorry, sorry." the man said, seeing john's cane. "let me help you." he held a hand out.

john looked up, freezing at the face of his past lover. "sherlock..." he said softly.

sherlock opened his mouth to say something, but ran off in a full sprint instead, not looking back.

john got up as quick as he could, but didn't see where he went. he sighed as he bent over, picking up his cane and starting to walk again, not being able to get sherlock off his mind now.

"you seem distant today, john." ella said, john's therapist. "what happened since our last session?"

"i ran into someone." john looked down at his hands.

"someone of your past?"

john nodded.

"who was it?"

"the love of my life." john said with a smile, looking up at ella.

"really? describe them to me. what were they like? when did you date them?" she asked, clicking her pen softly, getting ready to write.

"we met during a lab in uni," john smiled at the memory. "it was my fourth year and he was coming into his second and i had complained about needing a new flat mate and he said he had an opening. he became my best friend. we spoke about everything together, i walked him to his classes and he waited for me at mine. he was amazing." john huffed out a laugh, smiling down into his lap.

"what made you fall in love with him?"

"oh god, i don't know. everything." he looked at ella, resting his chin in his hand. "he knew me so well. he knew my favorite foods, how i liked my tea, how to calm me down if i was angry, how to make me smile, how to make me blush. he was the best thing that had ever happened to me."

johnlock oneshots; the second bookWhere stories live. Discover now