chapter 3: getting to the bottom of the ice cream bowl

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Sam's pov

She was taking forever in the shower. I really hoped I didn't scare her too much. Who knew meeting your soul mate would be so difficult?

I heard the bathroom door open and I called out, "hey do you want some ice cream?" She shouted out a yes and I began making her a bowl.

My breath caught in my throat when she walked in. She was wearing a pair of Charlie's old pants and one of my flannels, which was way too big for her. She was gorgeous.

She stood there awkwardly until I handed her the bowl. She smiled softly and sat in the couch. I sat in the chair across, not wanting to make her even more uncomfortable.

She began taking small bites and I decided to start the conversation. "So, you said that you were the only person with words on your arm where you came from?"

She just nodded not looking up from her bowl. It kind of hurt that she didn't want to look at me, but I understood.

"Um could I have some more ice cream please?" She asked. I was swooning. I didn't even pay attention to what she said, until she asked again and I felt dumb.

I got up and began to get her some more. We sat in silence for a little while longer until she began to open up alittle at a time.

She told be about her life where she came from. She talked about her mom like she was a superhero, and to her, she was.

She told me about the only friend she had, the only person who didn't treat her weird because of some stupid writing on her arm. Her name was Alyson. (Boom take it I'm using myself. We are besties now)

We went back and forth about our lives and, the more we talked the more I realized how well we fit together. She was so kind and compassionate, even though she had been outcast her whole life.

She had an appetite like Deans and
She was just an all around amazing person. I could really see myself building a life with her. But she probably wants to go back to where she came from.

She once again asked for more ice cream, and by the forth time, I had reached the bottom of the container.

When I came back empty handed, she just smiled and said it was fine. "Really it's ok. I've had plenty already."

We sat there and talked for a little while longer. Soon she began to yawn and I finally looked at the time. We had been talking for the whole day. I couldn't believe it.

"Are you hungry for something besides ice cream?" I asked with a chuckle. She nodded while yawning and stretching. Her eyes were barely open. I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

I began to make some dinner, and when. It was all set up I called, "(y/n), dinners ready." When she didn't answer I went to the livingroom to see her passed out on the couch.

I picked her up and took her to the room she had slept in the night before. I looked at her sleeping form for just a second. She looked like an angel. I was so lucky to have her as my soul mate.

I went back to the kitchen and packed up dinner, putting it in the fridge for tomorrow. Then I headed to bed, (y/n) never once leaving my mind as I fell asleep.

Sam Winchester x reader: these tacos are great!!Where stories live. Discover now