chapter 5: keep calm and "go to your room"

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(y/n) pov

There I was, standing in the living room of some random man that, up until yesterday, I had no idea existed.

"Sarah," he said, eyes never leaving mine, "go to your room."

"But dad, I want to know who this crazy chick is."

"I said go." She groaned and stormed off. He motioned to the couch and we went and sat.

By this time I was having trouble breathing. The only thing keeping me from taking off was Sam right there next to me. He has been my rock this whole time I've been in this upside-down world.

We sat in silence for a good few minutes when Sam finally spoke up to try and get this proses going. "So, James, (y/n) and I are here to ask you a question."

"Y-yeah. So I need to get h-home. An-nd it's not possible without you." I said, starting to explain the situation to him.

After hearing everything he was extremely quiet. The silence was killing me. I just needed him to send me back so I could see my mom.

"I'm sorry (y/n), I can't send you back. I don't think you know how long I've wanted you to be back in my life. So, so very long. And now that I have you back I'm not letting you go back to that witch you call a mother."

"Um excuse me, but my mom was the one who loved me a raised me and was there for me when you weren't. So either send me back or I'll find another way."

"Listen (y/n), I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be there for you and keep you safe and make a life you deserve. But your mom sent me back here and I could never get back, my way back got sealed and I was stuck. But (y/n) I never wanted to let you go. So if you want a way back, find it yourself because I just can't send you back to her."

I stood to my feet outraged at this situation. I couldnt believe this situation. I grabbed Sam and stormed out of my "father's" house.

Warm tears streamed down my face the entire way home. Sam didn't try to say anything, we just sat in silence.

We got to the bunker and Sam parked the car. I tried to open the door, but before I could, Sam locked them.

"Listen (y/n), we'll find a way for you to get home, I promise." He held my hand and, in that moment, all of my worries just melted away. He really seamed to know how to do that to me.

We got inside and I went straight to my room, not even bothering to greet Dean. All I wanted was to sleep.

Sam's pov

I sighed and sat across from Dean. "I guess it didn't go as planned, saying as she is still here. I bet you are glad she is though, knowing your soul mate is going to stay for a bit longer."

"I'm so conflicted, Dean. I want her to be happy and I know that her going home will bring that, but at the same time, I want her here, with me. I've never been as happy as I am with her." I explained.

Dean just gave me a sympathetic look and suggested I tell her how I feel. If did tell her, it wouldn't change anything. She doesn't want to be here and my feelings for her won't change that.

At around midnight I finally made my way to bed, ready to just pass out. A little after I layed down, I heard a small knock on my door.

I went and opened it to see (y/n) standing there, she was shaking and crying. I let her in and we layed down, I knew that talking wouldn't help,so I just held her until she dozed off. When her breathing evened, and I knew she was alseep I finally let myself fall asleep.

Oh, how hard it was going to be to let her go.

Hey guys, sorry for taking forever to update. I know this chapter is kind of short and not that good, but it's better than nothing. I hope you enjoy!! Have a good whatever time you are reading this.

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