chapter 6: the bedroom sene

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Sam's pov

I woke up...... On the floor. I look up and (y/n) is spread across my entire bed snoring loudly. I laugh, grabbing my phone and snapping a quick picture of sleeping beauty.

I move her over enough for me to crawl into bed. She stirs alittle and then snuggles into my side. I smile down at her, and turn to the TV.

I decide on a secret love of mine, the princess Diaries (am I the only one who see's Sam like ROM-comms???). About half way, (y/n) woke up and I was met with beautiful (e/c) eyes.

The first words out of her mouth are, "is this the princess diaries?"

I laugh a little and nod, "it's a secret favorite of mine."

She smiles and goes on watching it with me. We stay like this for a little bit and then she tries to get up.

I grab her waist and pull her back. "Let's just have a lazy day. You and me" I plead, pulling out my puppy dog eyes.

She smiles at me and lays back down. "Ok only for a little bit though. I have stuff to do today."

We layed there for almost the whole day. We talked, we watched movies, and we ate whole buckets of ice cream.

It was a really good day, a great distraction from what has happened to her. I'm so glad I could be the one to make her smile, even for a little bit.

Omg guys!!! It finally happened. I updated for realzies. I know it's been forever and I'm so very sorry, but I've had alot of stuff going on and it's been hard to write. I know this chapter was short, but the next one will be better I promise. Have a great whatever time youre reading this!!

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