Gender Reveal

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Mandys POV

~4 months later~

Today me and Bradley are going to the doctors to find out the gender of our baby. It has been 4 months since the whole thing with Matty and nat. I still can't believe she would do something like that. Bradley hasn't left my side at all either I stay at his or he stays at mine. Lena tells me I should move in but that's up to him not me.

"Babe are you almost ready to go we shouldn't be late" Bradley says kissing my head.
"Yeah I'm done. I was just thinking about everything that has happened." I look down at my hands. He grabs my hands and pulls me close.
"Baby please everything is okay not I'm here no one will hurt you Matty and nat are gone god knows where."

"I know Bradley I know it just gets to me sometimes. I love you bradley."
"I love you to babe now let's go I want to know what we are having." He says pulling me out the door.

We get in the car and drive to my appointment. When we get here I sign on and wait.

"Amanda santos? The doctor will see you now." A nurse says. Me and Bradley follow her to the room. I lay on the exam table and wait for the doctor.

" Hello I'm Dr. Stevens and I will be going your ultrasound. Is he the father." She asks pointing at bradley.

"Yes I'm Brad Simpson." He says shaking her hand.

" Okay now lay back and lift your shirt this I'll be cold but it will pass let's see what you guys are having." She says putting the cold blue gel on my belly.

" What's that sound?" Bradley asks.

"It's the heart beats."
"Heart beats?"
" Congratulations you are having twins."
"Oh my god baby 2 babies." Bradley screaming like a girl.
"Bradley calm down we still have to find out the gender." I say holding his hand.
"Okay well baby A is a boy."
"Yes" I hear Bradley whisper I laugh.
"Baby B is a girl."
" Look at that we get the best of both worlds." Bradley says kissing my head.

"Come back in 2 months for another check up." She says before walking out.

"Bradley twins you think we can do this?" I ask.
"Yes baby don't worry we got this we can do it. Now let's go I'm hungry." He says pulling me up.
"Jeez you eat more then a pregnant girl." I laugh.
" Well I'm getting your cravings then you are going to get me fat." He says rubbing his belly.
"You're an active boy you'll be okay."

We leave the doctors and get in the car. We stop by McDonald drive threw.

"We need to gather everyone and tell them the news." He says.
"Yeah how about we go to your mom's bar to celebrate I know I can't drink but it's still something to celebrate."I say.
"That's perfect."he says kissing my lips and we go home.
This was a bit short but that's okay. The book is almost coming to its end.

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