A Feline Friend

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1st Person POV

If I'm going to be totally honest, Maven isn't fond of animals. He hates birds, scared of bears, thinks dogs are stupid creatures, and so he doesn't care for them. It is hard enough for him to be around people for a certain amount of time, sometimes he can barely even stand his brother. I'm an exception though, Maven has trouble leaving me alone to do things. Sometimes I can't even use the bathroom without him following me.

There is one place Maven leaves me alone, my personal garden. He knows how much I value gardening since I'm literally a gardening Silver. To me it even sounds stupid, being able to manipulate plants, but I actually enjoy it. So on days I ask Maven for time alone, he gives it to me.

He did try to follow me once. I let him too. I regretted it so much.

It all started when I wanted my time alone, like I usually would. When I told Maven that, he refused to let me go after the day he's had with his mother and brother. I brought him outside with me and sat him down near the tulips while I worked on my daisies. My fingers grazed over the soil, dancing with anticipation as the steams began to grow towards the palm of my hands. It looked so magical until I smelled smoke and saw a fire breaking out in my tulip garden.

Maven told me he saw a caterpillar and got scared, so now he really is not allowed into my garden. Then I had to go regrow my tulips thanks to him. In his defense though, he got to cuddle with me more inside.

About a week later, we are in the same situation again. He's continuously kissing the top of my head while my fingers trace his jaw, then his cheek bones, then down to the nape of his neck. But I NEED to go to my garden, Atticus is hungry. I even promised him tuna fish for dinner tonight.

Maven doesn't know about Atticus, since Atticus is a British short haired cat. And since he's not a big fan of animals, Maven doesn't know about Atticus and probably never will. I don't even know if he likes cats, he's never mentioned them before.

It took a while, but Maven finally fell asleep from all the small face touches. That's sounds weird. It is not that weird. I finally gift a tiny kiss to the corner of his mouth and wiggle out of his arms out of the couch.

On my way out back, I grab a plate of tuna I hid on top of a doorframe and sprint to my garden. The blue-grey fuzzball stuck his little head out from tall grasses, meowing softly at me. Gosh I love him so much.

Atticus slowly makes his way over to me, purring and sneezing every so often. I forget he's allergic to the petunias sometimes. I grew some just yesterday to stick into my hair during dinner. Flowers always make my outfits complete. Maven thinks I look very adorable with them in my hair too.

I softly pick up the kitten with my forearm and place the plate of tuna in the grass. My legs fold down into a sitting position onto the floor, then I place Atticus on the ground to eat his food. This is just another reason why I love going to my garden, seeing Atticus always makes my mood brighter. My finger brushes down his small neck as he eats and eats the fish.

"My god, you are so cute," I coo down at him. Another thing I love about Atticus is his bright yellow eyes, then in the sun, they are a warm gold color.

I lay down on my stomach, facing the pure bundle of joy. After he ate all of his food, I grew small plants around Atticus making him meow a very loud meow to me. I think he's enjoying our time together. I sure am.

The top of my finger bops Atticus on top of his nose, causing him to sneeze and bury his nose into his paw. It is like he's embarrassed, awe.

Maven is probably worried about me by now, he literally hates it when I leave him alone sleeping. Hopefully, he's still sleeping right now. Otherwise, I am going to have a very cranky boyfriend in a couple minutes.

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