I'll Fight My Father!

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2nd Person POV

"Hey," Maven whispers down at you. He softly kisses your forehead and rubs his nose against your hair. Slowly but surely, you woke up from his little touches and quiet breathing. Last night, Mave asked you to come over to hear a new plan of his, but that was a lie. Maven just wanted you over to kiss and cuddle all night.

You stretch your body out a bit, then turn over to lay your head down on Maven's chest and try to fall back asleep again. It had become a pattern of waking up way too early at his home. Everyone in the Calore castle wakes up before seven thirty, which is way too early. While at your castle, House Marinos, you got to choose when you wake up. Which is at lunch time.

"Hey," Maven tries again, brushing your hair out of your face. You shuffle again, this time wrapping his duvet tightly around your body.

"It's too early, you know that," you mutter sleepily. Maven only laughs. This is how most fights occurred, Maven wakes you up, you get moody, then it really is time to wake up. It happens almost everyday.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure it's half past one in the afternoon," Maven lifts his head to look over at his bedside table. A clock that read one thirty sits there, a warm glass of water, and brackets that you took off last night.

"Just . . . a couple more minutes," you yawn.

"I'll let you where my cape today if you get up," Maven bargains with you. His arms wrap around the bottom of your waist, hugging you tightly. Your chin moves to look straight at Maven, you even had a sly smirk on your face.


Maven just nods his head. You smile brightly at him, and roll off the bed with the blanket still in contact with your body. Once you rolled off the bed, you sat up to look over at Maven, who still lays on the bed. His sweatpants have now been tugged down a bit off his hips, and somehow he doesn't have a shirt on. Now where did that go?

You scramble around Maven's room, looking for some of your clothes from past nights spent in his chambers and his cape. Even though your outfit wouldn't match with the cape, it is still a cape. Not just any cape, Maven's custom made cape. The cape itself is a deep red color, with a wide hood attached to the back and a black clip around the neck with MC embedded in silver.

Maven found his own clothes in a neat pile behind his fold up curtain. Oh look, there is his cape. After both of you got dressed, Maven came up behind you while you still looked for the cape and clipped it around your neck.

You gave Maven a little twirl, showing off how good you look in it. The bottom of the cape is a little low, since you are a bit shorter than Maven, and nearly touches the ground when you walk around.

"How did I ever get so lucky to be dating thee Y/N Marnios?" Maven hums, wrapping his arms around your waist as you stood in the middle of his room thinking.

You glance up at his face, and see a lustful smile down at you. "Well, I dunno, you have to ask Maven Calore why. That reminds me, I'm going to go find him now, bye stranger." Then you left the room. It wasn't even a tease, you skipped out of the doorway and into the hall, moving around very fast to get your cape to dance with you.

Maven ran after you. Then got lost. Found you again. Then thought about your favorite place in the castle, because he lost you again.

Meanwhile, you ran around happily in the library. Books were filled in shelves to the max, some not even fitting in their rightful places. This is your second home. Somehow, you climbed on top of one of the shelves and riskily walk around the top. So much dust flew off onto the ground, along with a couple books, because you kicked them over. Oops.

The young prince found his way into the library, gasping at the site of his girlfriend playing on a bunch of bookcases. "What are you doing?" He shouts into a custom made horn from his hands. You yell back down at him, but Maven just stood their completely confused. He must have not heard you. "Y/N," he tries shouting again, "get down from there!"

"No way!" You shout, kicking off another book. It lands at least ten feet away from Maven, but he still flinches when it touches the ground.

"I'll call your father, Y/N," Maven threatens. It makes you stop dead in your tracks with the room dead silent. He wouldn't dare call your father, would he?

You peer down at Maven, his arms are crossed firmly over his chest and he only looks slightly irritated. "Go ahead, I'll fight my father!"

Maven sighs. He's not going to go get your father, he's really scary. Your whole family is scary. Everyone of your siblings have your father's Silver ability, sonic screams. Maven often wonders why your parents had so many children, because when they all scream is gets really loud and annoying. No wonder you're at Maven's home so often.

He pulls out a packet of cookies out of his back pants pocket. It's chocolate chip flavored, one of your favorite kinds of cookies. "Y/N, I have cookies."

As fast as you were on the bookcase, you went back down the bookcase. Who wouldn't though, Maven has cookies and that's all you want now. You snatch the cookies from Maven's hand, open the packet, then start nibbling on a cookie.

"I totally would have fought my father; he's easy to beat up." You mumble, taking another bite of cookie.

Maven's arm wraps around your waist and his head rests on your shoulder. "I know you would have." He kisses the side of your head, and begins to pull you towards the kitchen, because he's hungry too.

Posts on here might be slower now, because I don't have much time to write at the moment, but add this book to your library incase I update sometime soon!

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