Chapter 15

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I woke up to Dave and Ro talking. My back was facing them so I just pretended to still be asleep and listened.

"Daddy you love mommy?" Ro asked.

"Yes I do with all my heart" Dave said.

"What about me?" She asked.

"I love you till infinity and beyond. Every time I wake up I think about you and your mom. I was so happy when I found out about you. Your my princess and will always be my princess" he said.

"What if mommy has a baby?" She asked him.

"I still will love you" Dave said.

I turned towards them and smiled. Dave looked at me and smirked. Ro climbed on top of me.

"Mommy can you get me a sister" she said.

"You don't want a brother?" I asked.

"No daddy said boys are dirty and stinky. I don't want to be dirty and stinky too" she said with her face scrunched up.

I laughed and looked at David.

"Gotta teach her young" he said.

Dave pulled me and her closer and smiled.

"Ro feel this" he said taking her hand and placing it on my belly.

"Why is it hard?" She asked.

"That's the baby" I said.

"Mommy ate the baby daddy" she said.

"Yes mommy ate the baby" he said laughing.

"Now you gotta poop it out" she said.

I looked at Dave and bust out laughing. I couldn't with this little girl. Her and Dave started talking again and I couldn't help but smile and realize this was my little family.

3hours later...

I was in the car with Dave on our way to the mall. I needed to get some new things for Ro. Also her birthday is coming up I wanted to get her gifts early. We soon pulled up and parked. I got out and grabbed Dave's hand. We walked inside and went to his store first.

"You always getting something from here" I said shaking my head.

"Mhmm you want that bag?" He said ignoring me.

"You not slick this match your wallet" I said.

"I know and it matches Ro's bag"he said smiling.

I grabbed it and shook my head again. We got a couple more things from Gucci and other stores. We now was in the food court eating. I was feeding Dave some of my food when I felt someone staring at me. I turned and looked to see some chick mean mugging the hell outta me.

"Dave you know her?" I said pointing.

"Who?" He said turning to where I was pointing.

"Some groupie that tried to suck my dick" he said shrugging his shoulders.

I shook my head and laughed. I continued eating and so did he. I guess she was mad because next thing you know she was at our table.

"So you not gone speak" she said.

"Nope" Dave said still eating.

"Who she?" She asked looking at me.

"My wife" he answered still not caring.

"Your wife?" She said confused.

"I'm married and you disrespecting her, go on somewhere" he said shooing her off making sure his ring show.

I tried not to laugh but I busted out laughing in her face. She walked away mad and I looked at Dave.

"I love you" I said smiling.

"I love you too" he said smiling back.

"What do you think the baby is going to be?" I asked.

"I want boy now but my heart is still set on another girl" he said.

"I think it's a girl" I said.

"I'm gone have to kill niggas over Ro" he said laughing.

"You definitely are" I said laughing with him.

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