Chapter 5

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It's been a long month and very stressful. Cliff been real over protective for some reason and it's annoying. He been clocking my every move. David been acting strange to but I just left it alone. Ro is with David and his mom so I decided to go dress shopping since I get married in 3 months on me and Cliffs 3 year anniversary. I walked in the store with my mom, Cliff mom, my sisters, and my bestfriend Sasha. They all sat down while me and my mom went to go pick out dresses. We picked out 5 and I went to the back to change. I tried on the first dress and went out front. Everybody face told me right away it was a no. After hours of trying on dresses I was back home with the dress at my moms house away from Cliff. I was cooking dinner for Cliff and Ro since they dropped her off. I was almost done when Cliff came behind me and kissed my neck.

"Stop I'm cooking" I said pushing him away.

"And? I don't care" he said squeezing my ass.

"You get on my nerves" I said smirking.

"So do you but do I complain" he said.

Ro walked in the kitchen with my phone in her hand. I realized she was on the phone.

"Who you on the phone with?" I asked.

"Daddy he told me Dase is okay and ready to come home" she said smiling.

"Okay that's good princess" I said.

Dase had got into the trash and ate something that got him sick now he's ready to come home.

"Tell daddy you call him after you eat" I said putting her plate on the table.

She told him bye and hung up and ate. We all sat down and ate.

"Babygirl how do you feel about having a baby brother or sister?" Cliff asked making me choke on my food.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and patted my back and then looked at Ro.

"Mommy you having a baby?!?" She asked.

"No princess I'm not" I said.

"Oh well if mommy do, do I have to share my room?" She asked.

"No babygirl we have like 6 other rooms" Cliff said laughing.

"Well baby brothers are yucky" she said scrunching up her face making me laugh.

We continued eating and I put Ro to bed after she took a bath and called David. I walked in my room to see Cliff sleep. I stripped from my clothes and got in bed. A couple minutes later I was rocked.

The Next Day...

I walked into my store and saw Amber flirting with a costumer. I coughed and she noticed me and got back to work. Cliff is at practice while Ro is at school. I have her in a good academic preschool until she goes to kindergarten. I started working and noticed I was making good money. I was looking over my deliveries when Cliff came in my office. I smiled because I noticed Chinese food in his hand. I got up and grabbed the bags.

"Damn can I get some love at least" he said.

I put the bags on the table and went over to him. He was sitting on the couch so I straddled him. I kissed him long and hard. He smirked at me and looked at my hand.

"You'll be Mrs.Dixon soon and be carrying a lil one to" he said.

"I can't wait" I said.

I got up and went over to my desk and started eating while he sat comfortable on my couch watching tv. I looked at the time and noticed David would be bringing Ro here soon. Cliff got up and came over to me. He told me to get up so I did he sat down pulling me on his lap.

"I feel like everything is great, we're getting married and working on building a family" he said.

"Why do you want a baby so bad?" I asked.

"I love RoRo with all my heart but I want a child that's fully mines. She calls me Cliff and I want someone that calls me dad" he said.

I sighed and kissed him hard.

"How about this on our honeymoon we don't bring any protection and you can give me a baby" I said smiling.

"Was already gone do that but okay" he said.

I got up off Cliff and then David came in my office with RoRo. She seen him and smiled.

"Cliff look what my daddy got me" she yelled.

She was bragging about what Dave got and did I could see the look on Cliff face.

"RoRo lets go say bye bye to daddy" I said smiling .

Us three walked out leaving Cliff in my office. We stood outside by David's car.

"So you'll be picking her up tomorrow at 3" I said.

"I'll be picking you up at 7" he said.

"For?" I asked.

"I promised RoRo we would go out to eat" he said smiling.

I looked at him and he walked over to me. I was soon pressed against the car while Ro was to busy playing with her doll.

"You look nice as always" he said.

"Thanks so do you" I said uneasy.

He got so close I thought he was going to kiss me then back away. I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding. He went over to Ro they had their moment and he was soon pulling off. I went back in my office to see Amber talking to Cliff. She smiled when she noticed me then walked out. I looked at Cliff and he shrugged his shoulders. Soon I was back to working while Cliff was sleep on the sofa with Ro in my office. I looked at them and smiled.

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